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How do you make coffee?

by meggf (follow)
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Do you own a coffee machine, plunger or percolator? Do you just boil the kettle and make instant coffee?

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I do not drink coffee everyday. But yes, I have used a couple of methods to do so when I did. I have used coffee machine , boiling and various kinds of plunger. My mom had a small espresso machine long back. So I have used that too. I have also used something as traditional as the one in the picture.
by BK
Just the kettle unfortunately! No fancy machinery!
Under duress.
We have a coffee machine. We used to drink instant coffee but then I found a very expensive, amazing quality coffee machine in a second hand shop for $5. Never used, still in the box. The reason it was so cheap was because it had a european power plug. I bought it and then walked into the travel shop next door and spent another $5 on a power converter plug.

Since we first owned that I have become a complete coffee snob. I never thought I would because I'm really not good at snobbery .... but here I am LOL
For any of my family, I just go peasant...boil the kettle, use a spoonful, add milk and sugar.
Nothing too special...Sadly, I know the coffee machines do a far better job.
We don't drink coffee, so I don't really have people over much to get the coffee machine.
If we did drink it....I would invest the money that's for sure!
I boil milk and add my coffee to it, no water.
I don't, but if I do it's just instant. I have made Turkish coffee in the past, though not for myself.
by Vee
We have an ALDI coffee machine and it's great. Actually, we're on our second one. The first one copped a hiding from the kids and finally gave up the ghost. It was so good we just replaced it with the same again.
At home, have only an Irish Coffee.
Out, will have Mugaccino or Cappucino, & enjoy it!
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