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How do you like to spend a rainy weekend?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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rainy day, weather, weekend

Do you enjoy the rain? Do you stay in bed longer and have a lazy weekend? How do you entertain the kids?

#Rainy Days
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It's seldom in WA that it rains for a whole weekend, but if this was forecast, I think we'd just take advantage and plan indoor activities for ourselves and our two kids. The cinema or a movie a home is a great one, a craft activity is always popular as is playing games for an hour or so. Visiting the local museum can be fun, and a lot of our local ones are free or very cheap to get into. We have used play centres on occasions, but I think a lot of parents also think of this option, and so invariably they are quite crowded. when the rain isn't too heavy, there's nothing better than putting on gumboots and rain coats and going splashing in puddles. Personally, I would love the idea of a lie in, but my three year old generally has other ideas.
If it rains and it is cold - I think a movie and staying in bed is a great idea. If it rains and it is hot - then it is carry on as usual! ;)
Yes, I stay in bed longer. When I'm feeling particularly lazy and it's raining a lot, I let the kids watch tv if they don't want to play. Once I'm up, we bake and hang out together.
I like to spend rainy days inside under my blanket, either watching a movie or reading a book. Though it doesn't usually rain in WA.
I enjoy rainy days as it gives us a good excuse to stay indoors and just be lazy, watch movies, read books or play games.
Movies and reading in the bath...
Love being in bed listening to the rain!
I love catching up on my Newspapers & VHS taped tv shows, when it rains!
My time is my own to do as I please! Hooray!
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