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How do you like to eat your prawns?

by Spiceup (follow)
Food (698)      Seafood (14)      Prawns (6)     

With the festive season here, many of us rush to fish mongers and supermarkets to buy prawns. Prawns are delicious when cooked and served with a dipping sauce, baked, on the BBQ or in your favourite stir fried and marinara dishes. With so many ways to eat these delicious treats, how do you like to eat them?

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Since the radiation in Japan...we have stopped eating any fish of any kind, and now it is a problem that can not be fixed any time soon...we are pretty upset.
Sauteed prawns served on the side with baked/marinated salmon! Yum :)
I like to peel them, cut them in half, then I add fresh garlic and a little mayonnaise and serve that on a bed of lettuce.
I like them fresh as per the picture, and peel them. I either eat them as they are, or put on some special sauces.

In September (this year still) I went to a seafood cooking class, and learnt how to make some beautiful sauce to go with your prawns:

I like to eat the fresh orange prawns quickly after purchase so they don't go off or to waste in the fridge.

If I am cooking them I like to put about 3 onto a skewer, coat in a mixture of fresh parsley, garlic, lemon and lime juice and pop them onto a grill or bbq. I like to serve with an extra garlicky aoli sauce. An alternative is by using coriander and sweet chilli sauce instead.
I loved stemmed prawns with no sauces.
Prawns seasoned with spices, coated in semolina and fried. Its super yummy!
Prawn curry made with coconut milk :-)
Cooked, served cold with a white dipping sauce.
Cold, but always use my thumbnail to remove the gritty vein before serving.
I get cold, orange prawns, devein, shell, slice in half and drizzle with lemon and extra virgin olive oil.
I have a great recipe for Salt & Pepper Prawns that is scrumptious, even if I do say so myself. :-) You can find it on my website: http://www.mbcfoods.com.au/salt-pepper-prawns/

Prawn, Cheese & Cucumber on original Ryvita.

Curried Prawns & Rice.

Original Prawn Cocktail.

All delicious, IMO!
Oh! Fresh Prawns on freshly baked white bread, buttered, with P&S, & maybe a small drizzle of Balsalmic Vinegar.
With a hot 'cuppa', goes down a treat!
I like prawns any way as long as they are not overcooked and chewy
by Finy
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