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How do you let go of a failed relationship?

by Zen (follow)
Believes less is more and values experiences rather than material possessions. Weekend Notes profile. http:/ www.weekendnotes.com/profile/244436/
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How do you let go and heal.
Is it okay to mourn and for how long?

#Mental Health
#Self Esteem
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Get out there an try something new that you would never do. Life is to enjoy not be sad go create new memories
I think this is one of the hardest things in life to do. It's like losing a family member, but in some respects it's harder because there is also a sense of failure. Time, the love and family and friends, and self exploration are the only things that got me through my break-ups. Luckily those were a long time ago, but I still remember what it was like, they leave an impression. I like to think each break-up helped to make me a better person. Maybe I'm just fooling myself, but I try and believe that.
Very very hard, to do this.

But we all know at some time, (unless very lucky)...it has to be done.
My brother married his one and only girlfriend.They have been married now
54 years....They are the lucky ones.
But for the rest of us, only experience & time - can heal.I really think when we all have to go through it, to make sure we have people around to support us.
So maybe a little wisdom, to say to family 'this is going to happen', hope you can understand it may take me time to recover.It will give them a (head's up) to help too.It can be a time of loss or even mourning,maybe for a few months or even a year!
It all depends on that person, some people even get back on their feet after less time....than what they thought!
I've never been in a relationship, so have not had to face that situation. I could never imagine loving someone who was not a member of my family, let alone being in love with someone.
Very interesting 'psyche' at work in your answer. Most sad, really.
by donjo
I don't find it sad. I find it sad that some people need to be in a relationship to define their lives.
Time is a healer. You get over it, you let go, you heal, but you NEVER forget. However, sometimes, these past relationships bring a smile on your face when you remember them. Each relationship has also taught the persons involved in it something about themselves and something about others. So take it as an experience and know that if you are not in it, that relationship was not meant to be. It really is important to believe in karma when it comes to relationships.
With gratitude for the time together, the lessons learnt, and for the space that it has created for better relationships in the future. Once the healing is done that is.
Easily, as I usually have no choice.
I seem to get dumped as I hate dumping!
So I behave in a manner that I will get dumped eventually.

After a long relationship (which I have had 3 of), I often don't do so well for several months, and then, voila, I get over it.

However when my last partner of 18 years went with my very best girlfriend, and then cheated money out of me by lying in Court, it took me far longer to get over.

I found that I was far more upset at the friend than the partner.

I am, luckily now over this and it was just time that did this.
by Finy
I have never let go of a failed relationship. That's just too hard. People who come through your life leave a mark that you can never really let go of....whether good or bad...it leaves an imprint that may fade, but never leaves your memory.

I have absolutely no right to comment on this because I've never had to go through it. I imagine it would be my worst nightmare. Like any challenge in life though, I guess I'd eventually weather the storm.... Wouldn't really have much other choice though - I mean what's the alternative?
by kimp
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