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How do you know you're in love?

by Pauline (follow)
Relationships (205)      Love (84)     

signs of true love, falling in love, love is in the air
Source: Wikipedia by BemDevassa

Love is in the air but what are the telltale signs of falling in love or for that matter, signs of true love?

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I think that the definition of love changes at different stages of your life. Back when you were a teenager it was all about seeing your crush, that heart beat feeling that makes you dizzy. As you grow older there are many other influences such as personality fit, how they treat you and your family, respect, trust etc. I think being true love means you will do (almost) anything for the other person and love them for who they are the good and the ugly.
your heart skips a beat (in the beginning) but as the relationship progresses a long the way, you find yourself doing something you wouldn't want to do willingly out of love for your partner.
Reading the answers on this page has improved my opinion of women.
Perhaps I have just been unlucky.
My experience with women has left me believing that women are unstable and subject to massive mood swings and value changes that make love impossible.
As a man I have come to the position that people need to decide to love a person and then commit to that position and honour it growing the love in the relationship.
To base a relationship on how you feel is certain to fail as people in general feel differently at the different stages in life.
Given that children are often the result of relationships it is unfair to evolve a relationship on such unstable ground as feeling in love.
Advice from the bible states that we should decide to love until death does us part.
It does not say until you feel different.
My point is this we need to decide to love not feel in love.
Regards from Kym

In my opinion, you would know you are in love if seeing the person lands you in seventh heaven, hearing their voice lifts your mood, sharing food with them is no longer unhygienic, showing them off is nothing but great pleasure.
You just know/gut instincts, and also the way your new mate behaves towards you. If you're both hooked on seeing each other as often as you can...that's a sure telltale sign.
Call me a sceptic but I don't believe being ''in love' is sustainable. Being 'in love' to me is what happens in the early stages of a relationship, and as relationships progress through the years it becomes a deep love and respect.
You are correct
this the point that I was trying to make
by kstew
For me, being in love is not seeing their faults. I'm sure other people are annoyed by my husband, or don't think he's the most handsome man in the world, but I don't see that. For me, he's the most attractive man in the world in body and soul, and I have thought that since I met him and fell in love at 16. That's what being in love means to me.
For me, and I know it's cliche but, 'you just know'. When my husband and I were dating, we were very close to going our separate ways and that's when I realised that I couldn't imagine my life without him in it.
by Vee
For me, it hit like a sledgehammer!

I literally fell in love 'across a crowded' room!

Didn't learn til 40 years' later, he had Asperger's Syndrome, on Autism Spectrum.
Academically, he'd three Degree's. Everyday life, & thinking, not good, p as no 'horse sense'! Much of that was down to his useless parents'. Mother was partially mentally retarded I think, & father was a dumb a@&! That's life!

He then decided he wanted to be a 'single man'.

I'm still trying to deal with the 'fallout'.

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