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How do you keep your down duvet from leaking feathers?

by annep (follow)
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Down duvets and pillows are deliciously warm and comfortable in cold winter nights. However, sometimes we have to tolerate the tiny feathers poking out and spreading all over.

What do you think is the solution? How do you stop them from spitting out feathers?

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I don't have a solution. I have tiny feathers around the room every day even with the duvet cover on at all times.
I am thinking of getting a cover that has more thread counts. Honestly, I love the down, just don't like the coughing that comes with the tiny feathers in my bed.
You are I hope using a cover with your 'duvet'?
Well now you will need 2.
You put a very plain one on first, then the one you normally would cover it with.Sure a little extra work...but what's 2 mins extra.Make sure the first plain one is cotton 100% so it can breath.Very cheap to buy at say K-Mart.

You will also find, it give's the 'duvet' that 'Magazine Look', because it keeps it all fluffed up, and looks and feels great!

If you have not ever used a cover, you really should.At night we sweat, and it will keep your 'duvet', from smelling in time of your perspiration.

But because of the feather's 2 cover's are sometimes needed...Don't worrie they still give amazing snuggle time and keep you warm.
I've never had this problem with my current duvet. I use a winter one that is quite thin.
Mine is very fluffy, but sometimes there are tiny feathers on the bed.
by annep
Simple, don't buy one with feathers. I don't like the idea. They may be comfortable and fluffy, luxurious and all, but I hate the idea of ducks being plucked for their feathers...
by Vee
Don't have a down doona. Way too hot in our sub-tropical Winter.

I use a poly one, & IF it turns a bit more chilly, cotton thermal goes atop.

I sleep, all year round, with THREE old doona's under my base sheet, which stops cold seeping from ground, through floor boards, & thick mattress, to me!
Buy an alpaca one, an expensive one or a non feather one.
by Finy
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