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How do you keep fit when you have young children to care for?

by Jennifer Muirhead (follow)
I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma ~ Eartha Kitt.
Parenting (216)      Fitness (60)      Exercise (71)      Young Kids (1)     

jogger, jogging, woman jogging, keeping fit
Photo from Wikipedia, taken by Ceiling, used under a Creative Commons Licence

When you are a stay at home mum chasing around after a toddler, or a working mum fitting in school pickups between knockoff time and cooking dinner, it's not easy to find time for yourself. Leisure activities and sports can get squeezed out of your life by other commitments.

What do you do to try and keep fit in between caring for your children and other responsibilities? Early morning jogs? Late night gym sessions? Please share your tips.

#Young Kids
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After having my nephew, my sister remained fit through regular yoga sessions at home, taking the dogs out for a walk, walking to everywhere such as library, markets, shops. She also invested in a wii and loved partaking in their sports games and fitness programs.
When I have baby sitting I do yoga. Recently I've taken up running which I find is really easy to fit in around looking after the kids because I don't have to do it at a set time and I don't have to drive anywhere to do it.
Walking as much as possible...even with babies and prams in tow. Yoga is also fantastic. Even just half an hour a day for the latter is absolutely fantastic :)
Walking up and down the stairs? Honestly, I think it's a very good way of exercise, just give the elevator a break once in a while and you'll see that it's definitely worth the effort.
Take the kids for a run or walk in the pram. Jogging along behind the pram is an EXCELLENT workout! If they are older going to a park and running around playing for 45 minutes will do more than you think - play tip/tag, throw a frisbee or kick a ball with the children. This will keep you fitter and improve their muscle coordination - Win Win

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