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How do you help sea sickness?

by Natasha Stewart (follow)
Health (523)      Travel (244)      Home Remedies (3)     
I've just come back from 5 days on a boat. It was lots of fun, but at the same time I found out that I get very sea sick. It wasn't very nice feeling sick all the time, especially every time a speed boat would zoom by making out boat rock even more.

sea sickness, boating, motion sickness, remedies

I've never really been faced with sea sickness before, but I'd love to know if you've got any great sea sickness remedies that could make my next boat trip a little more bearable.

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They say once you are seasick it's too late to do anything about it. Next time take seasick tablets about 30-60 minutes before boarding. Other tricks they suggest is having some ginger cookies or look out onto the horizon. Generally seasickness improves when the boat is moving.
Sea sickness tablets work for me, and I have also tried the sea sickness accupressure bands. I think they work well in conjunction. I also found that fresh air was good, so tried to stay on the deck rather than in the cabin. I agree with Ivana that preparation is the key so if you know you are likely to get sea sick then you should take your medication in advance. My husband gets severe sea sickness when in rough conditions and he believes in lying flat to calm his stomach....but admittedly this is not always possible on a crowded boat!
Seasick tablets such as Travacalm - the plain flavoured ones. Do not take ginger seasick tablets.
Why not?
by donjo
If you are already on board and realize that you are prone to sea sickness, I feel distraction should help. Try to divert your mind. Avoid jerky head and neck movements which cause a condition called 'postural vertigo'. In addition, keep yourself hydrated and steer away from strong smelling food stuffs.
I find that ginger tablets work well for me and I get quite severe sickness.
Don't get sea-sick, but I've not been across the Southern Ocean!
Air sickness has never affected me either!

It's the 'inner ear balance' off kilter, that makes you sick, so check with your GP beforehand.
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