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How do you handle a bad day?

by chipp (follow)
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While we expect to have great days everyday, there are days when things just don't work out as planned.

How do you handle a 'bad' day?

#Self Development
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When I have a bad day I think about going home and climbing back into bed...then I remind myself that there is only 24 hours in the day and the day will eventually end. Then I hope that it does not repeat the next day! ;)
I stay home
by Finy
I will have a cry, then a nice shower.
If it is happening at work....still go have that cry.Then have warm drink, and maybe some chocolate.
If at home all of the above!

They come and go, and sometimes we feel it will not pass.It does, we move to a better day.
I have had a big share of these days, and they are the pits!

You Must be kind to Yourself.Somehow...some way.
With exercise and a hot shower. Both yoga and running help me clear my mind better than anything else. Washing the day away really helps.
I often call my bestie and if she's free, we hang out together by either working out at the local park, getting dinner &/or drinks or getting our chocolate fix sorted.

Else, I go to the beach and sit by the rocks and listen to the waves of the ocean - it really helps me put things in perspective.
By talking to my husband. He almost always have a great advice and helps me to cheer up by offering to help me out in the kitchen or with the kids or just by taking us all out for dinner or dessert.
When i am having a bad day I get away for a while to any quiet place collect my thoughts, pray, then head on back. Usually works for me. It helps to keep things in perspective.
by Gia
Stay home and eating comforting food .
Have my own pity party.

by Zen
Watch a 'comforting' taped tv show I like & for which no thinking is needed eg 'Lewis' or 'Midsomer Murders'!
And a hot 'cuppa'. Maybe have a 'snooze', too!
I have had a few "bad" days since my husband died two years ago. I really feel like curling up in bed but I force myself to go out walking and that seems to help a bit but doesn't really alleviate the ache.Luckily I have a few good friends I can count on and, of course, my son.
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