There is no answer to this question, that will suit everyone.
First you have to look at your rawness.In other words 'how are you coping''.
If you are not...ask yourself 'what would help me right now at this time''
If it is working to keep going...or take a trip....stay home and with family...Only YOU can ever answer this question, because this is YOUR Grief.
Only you know what would help...Not to make you feel better, because it is not about that.
Grief must be allowed to take it's natural course.
So work out how you are feeling straight away, and if possible do what will help...If not possible for your choice to put into place right now, chose the next thing that could be of some help.
NEVER ever listen to anyone who tells you ''You Must Be Strong''!
That is the worse thing to be told.
If you have young children, just be careful of they too are in this.
If you need to cry, then do it.
There are NO rules to going through grief.(as long as you do not become unbalanced).If you feel you can not go on, then you must go to see your Doctor.