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How do you find time to fit everything into your day?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
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Time (Image by Gracey via morgueFile)
Time. (Image by Gracey via morgueFile.)

Modern life is demanding. Women are often engaged in a juggling act, trying to do their best for their children partner, home, work, and for themselves.

How do you find the time to fit everything into your day?

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I don't.

I do what is most important, and the next day I continue.
So if beds don't get made....tomorrow is another day.
If washing is not done same thing!

Only the most important are done , then others later.
It may sound as if I am not organised, but that is just not true.
Over the years it is impossible for me to be a superwoman.
My home is clean and tidy, but some jobs wait for another 24 hours.
I have been hanging out to go also to have my hair coloured, it has been waiting for 8 days....guess what! the world has not yet come to an end.
Funny That...lol.
You're right on there, jonaj. Prioritising is important.
by Vee
I work very little during school terms. This allows me to focus all my attention on my husband, my son and myself - so I often don't find myself rushing around. However, I will be returning to part-time study, so that will mean a little less time, which isn't too bad. As long as everybody is safe, happy and fed, everything else can wait.
by Vee
exactly! :)
by jonaja
This has been a real challenge of late with work having grown to 60 hours a week or more. Part of the process of taking back my life and restoring balance was my resignation early this month. I am currently working out my notice and looking forward to having time for so much more.
Yes, been there, done that. And got it all together, including working full-time at a very demanding & stressful job.
Just got on & did it all. That's what you do, isn't it?
Now being retired, can 'make-up' for 45 years' of hard work, inclusive of 25 years' of very hard work with everything, including the children!
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