Deep breaths before confronting anyone (if my anger is related to a person) and/or physical activity and sweating it out which I find great for channeling rage. There are some yoga poses that help expel residual anger - just in case you didn't quite release it all....
Thankfully, I don't get angry very often if at all. Staying calm is the way to go. Whereas, if bursts of anger cannot be fully controlled - then I go downstairs to the office gym and punch a fit ball hard a few times, and/or do some boxing training. That lets off some steam after a difficult media client for sure.
I find it helpful to channel intense emotions into something creative - painting, drawing, journal writing, gardening, dancing, singing and even chanting works a treat. Good luck.
If I'm really feeling frustrated I find the closest pinball arcade and find the machine with the hammer which you can attack the crocodiles or crabs as they appear and give them a good belt! According to research there is a reason that children stamp their feet and pummel their fists when they get angry and upset - it's actually the body's natural reaction to release tension. I can highly recommend it!