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How do you dry your clothes?

by Natasha Stewart (follow)
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clothes, drying, laundry, hills hoist, washing line

Drying your clothes often comes down to two factors: space and time. I used to live in a small apartment with a built in laundromat and no room to set up a clothes rack; I relied on the dryer each time I did a load of washing.

Now I've got a bit back yard with a hills hoist.

How do you dry your clothes? Do you use a dryer even if you've got the space for something else?

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I use my line, and then I also make a few more connected, with thin rope.
I have also put up a 'rail' in my bathroom....and put things on coat hangers, to dry overnight.If they are not dry, they will be the next day.
I don't have a dryer, cost too much to run....
We hang ours outside on the clothesline. We have no need for a dryer, though we do have one. When it rains, we hang it out on the makeshift clothesline.
by Vee
I have a Hills Hoist too. We also have a dryer but we just use it when it's raining or sometimes if I've got too much going on and don't have time to hang it out (eg. while we have been packing to move house).
We use that amazing invention the SUN!
We hang our clothes on an indoor rail next to the radiator.
On an indoor rack by the balcony. I've lots of sunlight coming in so clothes dry quickly nowadays.
I love having a clothesline out the back, but I'll admit there are still times when I wish I had my dryer around for those times you need clothes in a hurry.
The local laundromat washes and dries my clothes. I give him a couple of days.
Mostly on the washing line, but if it looks like it's going to rain I'll just put things in the dryer. Too many times I have put them out and almost got them dry, only to have them rained on and needing to be re-washed and dried again.
Yes, Sarah, doesn't it give you the screaming 'Heebie-jeebies' when that happens! SO much wasted time & effort required!
by donjo
Sun Dry in the back yard. I avoid dryers if I can!
I have a dryer which I use only if I have to. I am all for clothes drying out in the sun:) The hoist is the best!
Natural sunlight is your best way - costs nothing, and the clothes are crispy fresh (no shrinkage!)
I prefer the clothes line. I feel like I'm making an unnecessary dent in the environment whenever I turn on the clothes dryer.
Always on the hills hoist in the back yard, unless weather does not permit, inside on clothes airers, in a sunny window if possible. I only use the electric dryer in an emergency.
On the clothes lines in the sun and in winter we have lines under the patio if w need them.
I try to use the clothes line as much as possible. I only use the dryer for sheets and towels on rainy days. I've actuallyjust written a post on the efficient way to hang your washing - check it out here: http://homegenius.com.au/how-to-hang-your-washing-the-efficient-way/
Usually outside or draped all over the bathroom if raining...Dryer is just for after many days of rain...
Saving money and the environment - always my top priorities. We have Smartpower, which means it's cheaper to use power at off-peak times (although the government has made it more difficult to benefit from, what was originally, a brilliant scheme). None-the-less, I do my washing after 9pm, hang it indoors on an airer and then peg out the next morning. If the weather is wet, I turn everything on the airer and it can then dry in the house.
Outside for sheets, Doona covers, Teatowels, pillow slips.
Dryer for all else. Don't like towels outside, too stiff & scratchy!

When first married, then had kids', EVERYTHING went on line outside. It was a 5-line Hills Extenda-line, & soon got filled up!

If it was raining, had a large area underneath a patio, with multiple lines strung. The breezes would eventually dry all.
Outside, or in the laundry if it is a wet day.
Always in the fresh air, the healthier & cheaper option
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