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How do you define success?

by joya. (follow)
I am a freelance writer, a food enthusiast and an explorer. Check out my weekendnotes profile: http:/ www.weekendnotes.com/profile/177032/
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Image by Quinn Dombrowski via Wikimedia Commons

What does success mean to you? Is it having a happy life? Is it having lots of money? Is it having the dream career? Is it being married with kids?

Or is it all of the above?

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I think success is when you can balance all of the things that you have pointed out: career, ambition, family, etc. That you have money but you are not greedy. That you have a good career, but you are not a workaholic. That you can enjoy your money and family. That money or success does not make you proud and vain. That you are able to fulfill the rights to yourself, to your family and to your life in general.
To me, success is having the dream job, living in a house which has been fully paid off, with a loving family and enough money to enjoy life with family. Success is to have the self-confidence and self-assurance that what you have is enough and nothing more is required.
The definition of success means different things to different people. For one woman, being married, and having a beautiful family can be classed as success; while for someone else, being a career tycoon and raking in the cash is another measure of success. For others, it is striking that elusive work-life balance with ease and grace. Then again, for other women, success might also entail building an investment property portfolio. Success is not something we attain, it is where we have come from. We're never fixed, we always keep evolving. The game of life is a game we're never going to win in the end. Yes, setting and achieving goals (success) is awesome, yet just being is just as awesome.
To me success is an internal measure - being satisfied and fulfilled within yourself, which comes from living a life that you're proud of, regardless of typical external signs of success like the dream job, house etc. If you had to hurt people to get to the dream job, is that truly a success? If at the end of every day you look back and can say you treated everyone - including yourself - lovingly and as equals, then you're a success in my books.
To me, success is having the dream job, living in a house which has been fully paid off, with a loving family and enough money to enjoy life with family. Success is to have the self-confidence and self-assurance that what you have is enough and nothing more is required.
To me, it is achieving 'that one personal goal'....you have in your heart.
It was not for money, or job, but it was very worth while
Yes...I could now say I have been very successful.

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