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How do you decide where to go on family holidays?

by helenonthesofa (follow)
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With so many options for family holidays, how do you decide where to go? Do you opt for a beach holiday, a camping trip, a relaxing holiday or an overseas trip? Do you put it to the vote and let the kids have a say in the final holiday choice?

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I think we decide on budget and what we'd like to get out of the holiday as a family. My eldest loves farm stays so we currently do a Farmstay holiday once a year. When budget allows we try to also head overseas as my husband and I have always loved to travel and we'd like to show our kids the different countries and cultures of the world.
On the very rare time we do have one,it's a family choice for sure.
Everyone has to be happy, with the destination.
It's just good sense and planning, so we don't have any little issues on the way there, or even back!
We have one major holiday per year, and a couple of small ones. Once the major one is decided, which is usually overseas, the smaller ones are easier to decide. We also look for family deals on groupon, etc.
We're beachgoers at my place, so the decision is easy. Anywhere which has close proximity to a great beach that fits our budget and ability to drive to is where we head.
Most of our holidays tend to be near the beach, since we love to swim. We also like having an option of being able to do lots of fun things, so I generally choose a destination that has a lot to do. Places like Jervis Bay, Wollongong, Central Coast, Port Macquarie, Coffs Harbour, Bateman Bay, Forster have always been ideal for us.
Factors such as location, budget, time and interests come into play. Depending on the age of the child, a long-haul flight is full on.
It's depends how much holiday do you have .what are yours budget.and where the kids what to go.
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