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How do you deal with your child's tantrums?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
Parenting (216)      Motherhood (31)      Toddlers (3)      Tantrums (1)     
If you have a child between the ages of 18 months and 3 years, no doubt you have experienced a tantrum. Tantrums come in all shapes and sizes - they can involve crying, screaming, kicking, falling down, running away, stiffening limbs and more.

tantrum, toddler, terrible two, anger, crying, screaming, behaviour

So how do you cope with these explosions of anger? Can you predict when they are going to happen? What do you do when they happen while you are shopping or in another public place?

Those of you that have lived through the terrible twos, do you have any tips on how to get through them and keep your sanity intact?

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Great question can't wait to see other people's answers. The first thing to do is remain calm then work out what the tantrum is really about are they overtired, bored, hurt, hot, thirsty, need the toilet? Sometimes finding the underlying issue helps to soothe it. Distraction is another good tactic have a special toy in your bag to pull out for those times and talk about it whilst ignoring the tantrum. Ask them open ended questions about it.
Stay calm. Listen to your child, they're having a tantrum for a reason. If its a hot day, they could be feeling a little dehydrated. If they're hungry, give them a snack. Divert their attention to something pretty that is going on externally.
Remain calm and try to identify the cause of the tantrum. Approach them after a few minutes and get their views on the matter. If a solution is easily available then take resort to it. Otherwise try to distract with books, play, tv, food. Children have short term memory and short attention span, so trying to explain something to them over a long period of time can be futile.
I found out the hard way.

Then one day I met a woman, she looked after children...and was brilliant.

I found out she had certain 'tones', that she would use.....but never did she use the one for discipline of any child...without it really being needed.

So the children would know, ''oh! that's the serious voice...we had better behave.''

It was not used Unless....a tantrum was being thrown.

Not once was her voice ever raised, but each child did what she said 'once' she had their attention, with this very special tone.

The golden rule is, never ever scream at a child....In time, they do learn how to turn off.

I had a Doctor once tell me, Totally Ignore the child...once they see you will not react, they will stop...and in time may never do it again.

He was a specialist in children.

I also would Google for info...see what they are saying these days.

I will tell you one thing I have seen...that I do not agree with.
Distracting a child is Not a good idea.
Tell you why, the child is still upset...still frustrated! ....it only leads a child to being more upset later.Whatever upset the child, may not be earth shattering...but they did experience it.Children need to learn how to interact with others, without tantrums.(Parents or whoever)..so buy showing the child a Tantrum is not going to yield good results...they will stop in the end.
by jonaja
Time out without any warning. The second your child does something that is naughty or throws a tantrum put them into timeout, telling them why they are there. This worked for me. I followed the super nanny way- In time out for the minutes to match their age (eg. 2yrs old - 2mins) By not warning them and putting them straight into time out they will learn quickly and know they can't get away with it. And if you are out in a shopping centre, either tell them that there is timeout there too, or as soon as you get home put them into time out, reminding them of what they had done while you were out.
Ignore it. Same with adults tantrums...
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