Aspirin can ease the flow but the pay-off is your period will last for a longer time and they should only be used in moderation. Some doctors will prescribe the oral contraceptive in the management of heavy menstruation but there are dozens of possible nasty side effects.
Heavy, painful and prolonged periods can often be rectified with diet and lifestyle changes as long as there is no underlying pathology like uterine fibroids.
You should consult a health professional:
if your periods are heavier and more prolonged than usual two or three months in a row
you are passing large clots
if you soak through a pad or tampon in less than a hour for two to three hours in a row
if you need to change a pad or tampon during the night
Shouldn't be wearing tampons at night EVER, due TSS.
Use Nightime or Maternity pads; much safer for you.