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How do you deal with a difficult family member?

by Lydia C. Lee (follow)
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Traditionally it is the mother-in-law who cops the flack as the trouble maker, but sometimes it's a sibling, or your own mother or father. Every family seems to have one.

Some people cut them out completely. Others ignore their remarks and try to keep the peace. Some people feel forced to play along with their demands.

What is the best way for you to deal with a difficult family member?

#In Laws
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Top Answers
I am very lucky in that I have great relationships with all my family members. But I think communication is the key. If the person doesn't like what you have to say or continues to do that which bothers you, then limit the time you spend with that person.
If it is possible, I would just stay out of contact with them. If it is not possible, then I would probably just grit my teeth and bare it.
Very fortunate to have caring and understanding family members. Communicating and staying up to date is everything. Even when a family member is unwell, stay in touch.
Ignoring them.
I normally act apathetic towards them - it seems to work because they get nothing out of you and you end up feeling a lot better by not having to deal with them.
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