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How do you cure a hangover?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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Does anyone have any secret recipes to cure a hangover? Do you take aspirins or just put up with the headache until it passes?

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Drink plenty of water, and Berocca's are also great. Have a breakfast dish comprising of bacon and eggs. These things work a treat.
Hangovers are pretty much just dehydration, so drink a glass of water for every alcoholic drink you have AT THE TIME and you won't get a hang over. I never do.
Loads of water
A big, fat, greasy breakfast
A dose of Nux Vomica (homeopathic remedy)
Make myself hydrating drinks of hot water, lemon juice, salt and honey.
OMG, I have to drink that salt-lemon-honey-water concoction for my adrenal deficiency every day. It helps restore electrolytes. And it is much less expensive than drinking the bottled electrolyte infused beverages.
by Polly
Do not drink.
Vegemite toast and a Gatorade always works for me!
Loads and loads of water to rehydrate is really the only way for me. Berry tea sometimes does the trick too, don't know why!
McDonalds in the morning is the best cure.
Citrus: Lemonade or Orange Juice plus lots of wholesome food.
Don't drink alcohol and you will never have to deal with a hangover.
Prevention is the best cure. Eat after you've had a drink - a greasy lasagne works for me, and make sure you keep hydrated.
by Vee
A hang over is oddly dehydration. Water is the magic elixir. Drink it regularly during the time you are drinking, cuts down on the alcohol and gives your body some of the lovin it needs!
Don't drink.. SIMPLE!!
That's how to prevent one, but how to cure one.
Easy -dont drink too much!
by Finy
By not drinking anymore. LOL
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