How do you cook your rice?
Whilst living in Asia I was taught to cook rice by the absorption method and can now do it successfully every time. But there is more than one way to cook rice. How do you cook your rice?
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Rice cookers in my opinon rule the world. Since I invested the very modest sum in such a machine, I have had the perfect rice experience.
I normally boil the rice in plentiful water (with a spoonful of vinegar) and when cooked, i drain the rice out. Perfect each time and the excess starch is drained out too.
I put it in a bowl of water and heat it in the microwave.
I usually boil whole-grain rice and steam white rice. It works out...most of the time!
In the microwave for small amounts.
Rice cooker for more than two people.
Works well every time.
Just bang it in the rice cooker with a little bit of turmeric and saffron and it comes out perfectly.
Rice cooker every time. It's always perfect then if I have leftovers I fry it with some egg an veggies
Microwave rice cooker - bargin and works perfectly...
Absorption method. Works eight times out of every ten.
I'm with Lydia C. Lee as this is also the most efficient way. A little bit of seasoning as your imagination takes you is a good additive.
I cook rice in pressure cooker.
I often use a rice cooker if there is more than one eating, however mainly do it on top of the stove adding boiling water after having rinsed the rice.
I use basmati rice almost exclusively and lately I have taken to mixing rice and quinoa when cooking. I use one part basmati, one part quinoa and 2 part water. Put them all in a pot, bring to a boil then allow to simmer covered on low for 15 minutes. It comes out perfect every time.
In a rice steamer. Bought it in 1980, & it's totally foolproof! Perfectly cooked fluffy rice, every time! Yum!
I always use Basmati rice. A 1/3 cup of rice, rinsed through a sieve of cold water, place in glass casserole dish in microwave with nearly 3 x 1/3 cups of water with a teaspoon of stock powder. I cook it on high for 4 minutes, then cook it on a much lower heat for the other 10 minutes. It usually turns out perfectly!
Depends what I am making. Most of the time I boil rice in plenty of water and then drain the rice when fully cooked.
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