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How do you choose the best high heels for comfort?

by annep (follow)
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Photo: Oxfordian Kissuth

Unlike the sexy images you see in movies, sporting high-heeled shoes (especially stilettos) in real life can be a serious killer. While those delicate torture devices might never be your idea of comfort, sometimes we just have no other choices.

What do you think is the solution? How do you choose the best high heels so you can still feel your feet after taking them off?

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I would avoid wearing high heels as much as possible. But if I have to wear them, I would try to find a pair with thicker heels so I can keep my balance. Heels should be picked with your height and body structure in mind, to make sure you're not putting too much pressure on your leg. And of course, something you should do when choosing any kind of shoes are checking if they fit, feel good to your feet and avoid those pointy toes.
Great question, and I love that image. Like Ivana, as soon as I left the corporate world - I gave up my high heels too. Sometimes I might wear them to parties. I use a gel patch (party feet), and the lower the heel the better it is for your ankles and back.
I gave up high heels when I left the corporate world. I don't think there is a pair of high heeled shoes that would beat my flatties for comfort.
It is achievable.
The idea is to not wear heels that are 6",you should wear heels that are enough to give a reasonable lift, to the foot. Width of a shoe is critical, women have forgotten that.The high heel needs to also be of substance, your foot needs that much support.So if you choose a heel the is not only high, but Thin! your on you way to serious pain.
Also do try to wear a covered toe shoe.But not pointed, it should be nicely round at the front....to allow you feet to not cramp.
There are plenty of wide - high heels on the market, you can Google that info.
A good high heel, needs to be very well made to support ones weight.
Your foot needs room to move, but not in a shoe that is also loose or tight.

It doesn't sound too glamorous, but it is a case of maths.To achieve not only a great elevation of the foot,with comfort to go all night.
I don't wear them at all. I'm naturally tall so don't need the extra height that they can afford. These days there are many flat alternatives which are just as flattering to the foot as high ones, that don't put pressure on the legs, hips and back. I'd much rather spend time seeking these out than looking for a comfortable high heel. Do they really exist?
There are some brands that can be trusted for comfort high heels, so stick with those, but personally, I dread wearing them now. In younger age, I used to wear a lot more.
I actually like wearing them the higher the better. My motto is what's the point of wearing heels if they are kitten heels?
I find that for wedges and heels, if the front part of the sole is also elevated (like a platform), it helps a lot with overall comfort. Heel grips and gel soles inside the shoes offer comfort too.
If you want comfort I would think you would not pick high heels, but a small heel or no heel.

High heels can do so much damage to your back also.
by Finy
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