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How do you choose a school for your child?

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school, how to choose a school

Sending your child to school can be stressful for both child and parent? What are the things one should look for in a school? How do you choose a school for your child?

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The reputation of that particular school. There are also guidebooks you can buy at newsagents for this purpose. Word of mouth recommendations from other mums can also kickstart the process.
Sorry I had Internet challenges at the time of posting my answer. Apologies for it appearing twice.
I tend to do a google search first to find out more about the school and if anyone has done any reviews from them. Then I do a check on the school ranking. When I visit the school, I see how the kids are in regards to happiness and showing respect to their teachers. I always take note of any language being used. And lastly, I look at the school activities they offer.
Best to Google search to find out what schools are in the area. You may want to make an appointment with them to see if they would be a fit for you and your child. And, you may want to ask parent's about their experiences at the school. Also, judging a book by its cover is an important rule. If the grounds are not looked after, you probably find that they may be very little focus on other areas as well.
Apart from all the things said below. I would prefer to meet the Principal of the school because he or she sets the tone for the entire school environment and culture.
I chose my son's pre-school, primary school and high school by instinct. When I walked into each of the school that I ultimately chose, it had a good energy and felt right. So far his schooling experience has been phenomenal.
The reputation of that particular school. There are also guidebooks you can buy at newsagents for this purpose. Word of mouth recommendations from other mums can also kickstart the process.
It is a mixture of the internet and checking the ofsted reports for that school and also word of mouth. Bad news travels faster than good, so if a school isn't performing as it should, you will hear about it either from the parents who want to remove their children from the school or people who have already left!

I have had problems myself,and I feel for parents today.
Having also heard from parents, who are most confused.

I started my eldest at school 31 years ago.

My youngest just left high school 3 years ago, so I have had a LOT of experience..
I had to use Public schools, and in the end it worked out 70%good....30% bad.So they had to change a few times.

Money always played a huge part, and even then one was not sure if you could get that place in the private school.

Marks had to be high, and so did your wallet.That left a really bad taste with me.
It would seem the child need to be such a high achiever, and I am not that kind of parent to push push push!!
I have never believed in that kind of pressure for any child.

So here is as simple as it gets, info:

I would have a look on Google maps for schools that are public in your area.
I would look at private, also.

Write all details on a bit of paper...to keep track...Also look at what you REALLY can afford, if looking for private.

There are many issues, and you also need to take into consideration the sensitive problems in your area. e.g. is it a certain ethnic area.

It can and will impact in some way, because your child could be just one of a few that go's to that school....(if non Muslim).

Children are not like adults, they do 'single-out' other children who are not the same.
There are a couple of schools near me, where all the little girls wear in a public school white head coverings.....so if your child is not of that faith....it may be difficult for them.(Plus sometimes we should be sensitive to that culture) its all about giving & taking.

Sure! it's a public school anyone can go....but when we have a great number of one culture, we sometimes have to look see the other side of the coin.

It's not something that can be rushed,but it's also not so simple.I have had to learn the hard way, and we had 'issues' with this-n-that....I had to keep talking to teachers, other parents.

One of my sons had problems that never seemed to get fixed, until I moved him...So lots of common sense with your area, and child..

All the very best, and just make sure you know what your child thinks, and how they are doing in school.Keep in good contact with the school, you choose...before a problem may arise.
I was fortunate that our local schools had a policy of allowing parents to sit in (for a limited time) on classes and observe, first hand, how it was run. I did this and eliminated 2. The other is the attitude of the Principal. Arm yourself with the important questions you need to know about your child's welfare: "What's your attitude to bullying and how have you dealt with it already?" etc and gauge by the body language and eye contact just how sincere the answers are. After that, you can always supplement your child's education yourself at home if you think they are not getting a fully-rounded learning experience.
Well, I have a 13yo daughter and we just completed our 1st year of homeschooling with Groves Christian College Distance Education and I can very happily say that it is the best decision I have ever made over her schooling.

We did the big private christian school thing for a few years, then the smaller private christian school thing and with my hindsight, neither of them had more advantages over homeschooling. To pay for people to dumb my child down became too much. All the time wasted on ironing uniforms, packing lunches, doing mind numbing homework and attending events that are boring and a complete waste of time all removed from our lives. Not to mention the kids and parents who you would prefer to have nothing to do with as their standards, morals, values and principles are so incredibly low.

Mornings have gone from where is the badge for your ribbon around your neck, is your diary signed?, I can only find one sports sock, through to the chaos of getting out the door to waking up at about 7am, lying in bed awhile, play with the dogs, let out the chickens and collect their eggs, relaxed breakfast, prayers and school time. All in a relaxed, fun and friendly environment and actually learning, discovering, engaging, talking, exploring, questioning, researching, discussing and so much more.

We have done more activities in one year with homeschooling than we did in an entire 3 years of paid private schooling by morons. I get to teach my daughter how to running write, how to research and write properly, how to spell and most importantly how to learn and enjoy the process.

Everything is the same, we get report cards, teachers come to visit and you have constant access to all of their teaching staff and resources, plus there is an Awards night and so, so much more, all at a quarter of the price for a far better product.

What the children gain from this experience is priceless, better educated, more socially adept, self motivated all with a true understanding of responsibility and organisation.

The huge influx of parents with children with no learning difficulties who are joining this way of education their children this year has been enormous and it just keeps growing. All for the same reason, people just want their lives back and they want to teach their children properly and have time with them - instead of their entire childhood life being caught up in schooling - as that is who gets to spend the most time with them for all those years when you think about it. Personally, I would prefer to be the major influence.
My children went to local State School grades 1-4 inclusive. Excellent School, had a very good reputation, & marvellous Headmaster.

Son's name 'put down' at a Private School, day he was born! There was ONLY one School we wanted him to attend. Got confirmation the next week, as this was TEN years' in advance! Had to pay immediate deposit $1000.00, to confirm place. Our son duly started in Grade V & loved it! He was in Interschool Tennis, Cricket & Chess. He was 3rd in the State in Chess! He attained Rank of Sergeant in Army Cadets. When he graduated, I was a bit 'teary' as I had loved the ability that he could go to such a GOOD School!

Our daughter went to Private a school in Grade V also. She loved it, & sat next to girl who had same first name as her, (it's an uncommon, not heard of much name, so that was very surprising!) & they both had same initials! They became friends' & the other lass was Chief Bridesmaid as our daughter's Wedding!

I also went to a Private School, Grades 1-12 inclusive.
So pretty much 'sold' on Private Schooling, from excellent experience!

Location and price.
They were the closest ones to where we live! Both kids went to the same public school, a 5 minute walk from the house, then each went to a different public high school, about the same difference from our house.
by Miro
I just chose a school that was in our area, but if there were problems I would of taken him out, besides it's the teachers and the principal is what makes a difference, as we found out later in primary school days.
I tended to go to the school in our area,the principal that was there on open day unfortunately left the following year due to health problems,after that they had a couple of stand ins, that person was actually better than the principal that they hired, so it's not so clean cut!
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