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How do you celebrate Valentine's Day?

by Sharm Jay (follow)
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Valentine's Day has steadily gained popularity over the years and become a day that is celebrated in many countries all over the world. Do you celebrate Valentine's Day? What things do you and your partner or spouse do to make this day special?

#Valentine's Day
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I don't have anyone to celebrate with these days...lol

But! I had great ones when I did, you believe me...flowers, chocolates, movies.
It was on for that day :) Oh Yeah!
I don't.
by Vee
Before I found my 'valentine', we used to have a singles party! Since I fell in love and married my valentine, each day is a valentine day. But February 14, comes with a bunch of roses, bottle of wine and lots of love and romance.
You know I have not celebrated Valentines day for about 13 years. May be a good year to give it a go - maybe! ;)
I'm all for celebrating any 'holiday', but Valentine's Day isn't something I really celebrate seriously. I once send an anonymous Valentine's Day card, but most of the time I tend to forget it's even here!
I went on a Dolphin cruise and had dinner with my beau for $25 - lovely company, beautiful view of dolphins swimming about, and a sense of serenity. It was perfect!
I don't celebrate Valentines Day anymore, as have no one to celebrate it with.
The nearest I got this year was a hug and a kiss from a girlfriend!
Does that count?!
by Finy
I make a card (which is somehow unexpected by today's standards, sadly) and we enjoy a fancy home-cooked meal together (to avoid the crowd and exorbitant prices).
I don't. It is just a day that marketing wants you to spend money. I am good to my fiancé all the time, not just because of a silly holiday.
I say "Happy V.D." and wait for the look on their faces. LOL. It is so horribly commercialised now :(
by Rice
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