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How do you celebrate Christmas?

by joya. (follow)
I am a freelance writer, a food enthusiast and an explorer. Check out my weekendnotes profile: http:/ www.weekendnotes.com/profile/177032/
Image by Joya

Christmas is often hailed as the best time of the year. For some Christmas means getting together with near and dear ones and creating happy memories. Many consider Christmas as a grand occasion to wrap up and give beautiful presents and open delightful presents from others. For some Christmas is the perfect excuse to indulge in guilty pleasures of gorging on delicious delicacies. While some take this opportunity to go away on fabulous holidays. And others just let their hair down and unwind during Christmas.

How do you celebrate Christmas?

#Christmas Competition
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My wife and I often spend Christmas alone, but this is by choice. Christmas is my favourite holiday and I personally find it to be a time of reflection more than anything else. I guess, in my own way, it's like Thanksgiving with Christmas cheer. Christmas has always been family time for me, and now my close family consists of me and my wife. She is my world, so I can think of no one else I would rather spend the holiday with.
Ideally with a fairly quiet get together at home with my family. Good food is part of the experience, usually lots of fresh seasonal fruit and sometimes seafood and home baked goodies like shortbread and fudge. Giving presents is fun too.
I and my 21 year old visit my middle son every year for Lunch, on Christmas day.

Then by late afternoon we head home, and count calories, we both consumed.
Work out we won't eat again........till the next day.

But, before lunch we always make sure we go to Church, and catch up with our friends there.Give gift's out, and hugs and kisses.

Oh! and sometimes we say to each other''hope the next year is better than this last one''.

You can always improve.
With family. Have breakfast together, then let the kids be santa and pass the gifts around. Then do Christmas lunch and chill out. That's it - simple.
Usually have lunch with my in laws and dinner with my family - very busy but fun!
Get together with my friends and have a party if I'm away from home. If not, a family dinner is the only option. I think it's just an occasion when everyone gather after a year working.
Christmas for us is another good excuse to have a family get together, which is always enjoyable with the various generations all mingling together. We also go to church, but it's not really any more significant for us in religious terms because we celebrate the birth, death, and resurrection of Christ every day of the year and meet in fellowship with others several times per week.
by kimp
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