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How do you care for plants in summer?

by annep (follow)
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Photo: Ivan2010

The summer heat doesn't only affect people with the threat of dehydration and other side effects but it can also put your plants in dire conditions. What are the necessary precautions to protect our gardens from the rising temperatures?

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Water them more often. If possible, try to keep the soil moist all the time, especially with potted plant. The best time to water the plants should be early morning or after sunset to avoid evaporation.
I went to the second hand shop today, and bought a old sheet in green...(so it looks half decent) and have covered up, my little tree. 150 cm's high.
The leaves were getting brown and burnt, and I have another old green sheet for another tree.You can buy them from the two main thrift shops, and $4 - $5 is all you pay.Tie some string each end, as they do fly off otherwise.

For other plants that seem to be doing it hard, put a few stakes in the ground and cover again with a old green sheet.Never use white or Black.That will draw the heat, and they will still burn.
At the moment, the Earth is having a lot of solar flares, thrown at it....hence this reason for the plants, under stress.

Water your garden in very early morning...but better still about 8 pm. is a really good time for plants.They then have all night to recover.Make sure you give enough water, not just a minute here, or there.
Make sure you also water the grass, as it too needs a good helping.
They must be watered more frequently. Keep some in shady spots if at all possible.
Watering plants more often. Try to sprinkle some on the leaves as well
Water when they will be out of the sun, such as early in the morning or late at night. If you water during the middle of the day the leaves can get burnt by the sunlight magnified by the water.
usually I don't, to be honest, unless I see them really suffering, then I'll give them a drink...
I have just been advised to put 50% shade cloth over my vegetables as the temperatures are high for so long, the vegetables cannot take such heat.
Also water twice a day on the really hot days.
by Finy
Give 'em a drink as often as possible, but not in day's middle!
Mulch them with wood-chips, leaves or other organic matter (at least 10 - 20cm of mulch is good), as this protects the soil and stops water from evaporating during very hot weather. Regular watering is also essential and the use of shade cloth can be good as well.
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