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How do you afford Christmas shopping for big families?

by Xarah (follow)
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I'm not one who often celebrates Christmas, but my partner's family does. I had my first real Christmas this year - it was magical, wonderful and absolutely enjoyable.

But it also broke my bank. How do you manage your finances when Christmas shopping; especially if you're a full-time student who can't have a job due to university?

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If you liked this Christmas...you will love next:
Some simple steps.
1.There are some gifts that almost everyone loves, so think about those people you know, once a month...buy a gift and put it in a box for 11 months.
2.You must save say $5.00 a week...look forward to getting that gift!
Something fun to do in 2014.
3.Go to second hand shops, if you have to buy for girls...they have some really nice glass stuff, and the like.
4.Look on ebay, you can always find a bargain.
The key is shop each month...And HAVE FUN!
Love this - it sounds so simple; and I'm sure it's easy to employ!
by Xarah
Save a little money each week or buy Christmas gifts throughout the year, when you see them on sale. Buying in bulk in places like Costco can also help.
That's a great idea - keeping money aside at the end of each month can definitely help with reducing the stress during holiday season!
by Xarah
A good idea would be for people to open up a high interest savings account at the start of a new year (perfect time is now) and agree to set aside a certain amount each week for this purpose, and don't touch it till Christmas shopping time. Even if its only $2, that is $104 + interest earnings at the end of the year if plan started on the 1st of Jan. It all helps.
Another strategy would be to buy items on sale, or have a set budget per person. Otherwise, some families (as in workplaces) do a KK - whereby each family member buys a present for someone in the family; therefore only one present to buy and not X amount. Sure gift giving is great, yet Christmas is all about love in families at the end of the day.
Absolutely right - I believe 1 present per person is more than sufficient, provided it's something meaningful and useful. I received over 5 presents from 1 person, which is delightful, but not necessary.
by Xarah
It's the thought and the feelings you put in the presents that really matter. So maybe you should try something handmade? DIY might be cheaper and makes unique gifts.
Yeah, like baking delicious dessert/baked goods such as cakes were definitely a family pleaser!
by Xarah
I think it is a good idea to buy early. Spread costs throughout the year instead of buying everything in the last couple of months.
Well said! :)
by Xarah
Save a little each month towards it. Just put it away in a bank account you won't touch for any other reason.
I've written a Howtoi on how to avoid being broke in January .. check it out here http://howtoi.com.au/avoid-being-broke-in-january/
Three words. The. Reject. Shop.

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