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How distant is a distant relation?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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What is a distant relation classified as? I consider parents, siblings, and grandparents close relations, and aunts, uncles, and cousins standard relations. What would a distant relation be? Does it depend on how closely blood related you are or would it also be how close you are in terms of knowing one another?

For example, if you were very good friends with a member of the family who was very far removed, would they be a distant relation?

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Well your talking from a view of how (maybe) people see it, in England.

It's a very different structure, than other Countries.
People can be cut-off in England from family, say if they have done something to shame the family.(they then over time will become a distant relation).
I was born there, and left when nearly 10.
I know the thinking, and it's a very serious thing, family and all.

I would say to you it is in 2 veins.
1. where they have been made distant for some serious reason.
2.they have been made distant by lack of contact, say...Your Aunts - daughters husband....or...Your Mothers Uncle's daughter.
There is always a reason.....why...they are distant,
It is serious stuff too..
The reason I ask is because in the books/film of Paddington Bear, Mrs. Bird is a distant relation of Mrs. Brown, but they live together and are very close. That suggests it has to do with how closely related they are are rather than how close amicably.
I just class them as people you don't really talk to
I have two great aunts. One is blood related and one is not. Objectively, the non-blood relation is the distant relative, but I see her a lot more, so subjectively, I consider the blood relation more distant.
Far, far too far.
The other side of the world England and USA.
Would love a benefactor to shout me a travel ticket to visit them.
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