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How did your family come to settle in Australia?

by Amelia (follow)
Amelia is an art enthusiast and writer
Lifestyle (334)      Family (309)      Australia (31)      Immigration (2)      Ancestry (1)     

family, australian, shed, bush, farm
Paech Family, Beerenberg Farm, Australia.

Whether you're from a family who has been settled in Australia since the days of the convicts, or for 80 000* years if you're of Indigenous descent; what is the story behind how your family came to be in Australia?

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My parents, brother and I escaped the communist regime in Czech Republic in 1979. We lived in Germany for 8 months, while our papers were processed. We landed in Sydney on 20 June 1980.
Wow! I suppose you have been here ever since?
by Amelia
Yes we have been living here since then, but have done much travel over the years including several trips to visit our relatives in the Czech republic
My family wanted a change of scenery, and hence migrated to Australia. We love Europe, yet we now call Australia home.
The first ancestor of mine to arrive in Australia came in the 1890s. He kept an interesting diary too.
Wow, what a keepsake! Life was surely different back then.
by Amelia
Back in England in 1962 my Mother told me we were coming to Australia for a new life, away from the cold and snow.
In 1963 we arrived on a ship called the Oriana, and have loved it ever since,
What a life changing journey!
by Amelia
My family came just before the 2nd World War, from Germany to Australia.
They came by boat and landed in Sydney as this was the furthest away from Germany.
My father was immediately placed in a camp (the had proper papers) as he was considered an "alien". The family were not allowed to own a radio, camera.
They probably would not have survived if they had not got out of Germany so early.
by Finy
I've read Anne Frank's Diary but I can only imagine what the camps were truly like!
by Amelia
One side of family came on a ship in 1800's from England, given land in Kilcoy Qld became dairy farmer.
Other side came from Ireland in 1917 to settle in Ballarat as tram driver.
Wow, they must have really shaped the progress of the colonies!
by Amelia
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