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How did you spend your Valentine's Day?

by Xarah (follow)
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Valentine's Day is a day that is either loved or hated with a passion.

If you are single, how did you spend your Valentine's Day?

If you are in a relationship - what did you do for your significant other?

Were there any creative/unique experiences that you had on this beautiful day?

Did you dress up and go out, or did you stay in and watch cute movies with your friends/boyfriends/girlfriends?

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I forgot totally about it, because I have had many great ones...and now there is no 'other-half'.
My husband and my son took me out for lunch. We had gifts for each other. I sent flowers for my two daughters:) Quietest Valentines day of all time for me nevertheless a memorable one.
That is so sweet - quiet VDays tend to be the best :-)
by Xarah
I joined the Brisbane Greeters celebrating their second birthday at Watt restaurant in New Farm Park. We then had a fun time playing petanque (or kerplonk as I renamed it) near the rose garden. It was great to see how many couples were celebrating their Valentine's Day marriages in the park. They, along with Brisbane Greeters, will never forget a special anniversary.
My husband kept asking me if i'd booked our gold class tickets during the week. Yep i'm onto it I kept saying. Forgetting everytime. When I tried to book on Friday, all booked out. So, we had to spend money (gold class was a ticket gift) and went to normal cinemas and saw Last Vegas and had a nice dinner afterward. Lovely night off from the kids.
I have just moved house so, unfortunately, I spent Valentine's Day unpacking boxes. It's never really a big thing for my husband and I, though given the opportunity we would use it as an excuse for a romantic dinner. We might manage to do that on Sunday after we get through a few more boxes.
Aww as long as you're doing something in each other's company :-) I love moving, especially when there are people to help you - even better when it's your partner :)

Hope the move went well and you have a lovely Sunday :)
by Xarah
I spent time with my man two days prior, as we both decided to spend time with family this year. I had some alone time, and still had to work.
What a great idea to spend VDay with the family! It's not done often enough!
by Xarah
I know three of my friends got their ears pierced to celebrate singledom while I worked all day. To me, everyday should be a day for affection.
We watched the Olympics. How romantic, right?
by Vee
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