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How did you decide your Baby’s name?

by Ennvy.c (follow)
Parenting (216)      Newborn (4)     
Choosing a good name for your baby is very important because it becomes their identity. However it can be an overwhelming task to pick out the best one out of hundreds and thousands of names to choose from. Now there are many online databases, books and name dictionaries readily available to help you think of possible names. How did you choose the perfect name for your baby?

Was it the spelling of the name, uniqueness, compatibility, heritage or meaning that influenced your choice?
And just for fun, what is the strangest baby name that you have come across?

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I haven't got any children, so haven't had to decide on a name, but my mum chose my name simply because it was her favourite. She liked that it was unique, and not something that everyone is called. My dad contributed too. My name is in two parts, so he chose the second half, and the my middle name. They didn't choose based on what the names mean or anything; just that they liked the sound of them. I think that is the most important thing when choosing a name - that it has a personal connection for you. Many parents do this by naming their children after their own parents.

When you say 'strange', it is all relative, because what may sound like an unusual name to one culture, would be completely normal for another.
When my husband and I were choosing names we wanted something that everyone knows how to spell, as I know it's annoying when your name is constantly spelt wrong. We also wanted a name that can be shortened so they can have a nickname. We didn't want a really out there name either.
Also, speaking of baby names...maybe the doctor who saved your life, as a result of your baby being delivered could be your newborns name. Although an American show, Grey's Anatomy illustrates this point. Remember (in the last episode) when Meredith and Derek decided to call their child "Bailey" after Dr Bailey saved Dr Greys life in the OR? It just goes to show that Meredith's their person. Image: Grey's Anatomy Facebook page.
I named my son Jordan after Michael Jordan. I felt he was a good role model, I loved the name as I felt it was a little unique at that time. Little did I know it was going to become so popular amongst not only boys, but also girls.
Even though Samantha (for instance) is a popular girls name, you'd hate to be called Sam all the time. Cultural considerations come into play too...French turned Irish and then British ancestors for my name. Interesting.

My mother-in-law chose my son's name, and my mother chose my daughter's name. We wanted to give our elders the honour, and also, I think my children will have a story to tell. Each will say My Grandma chose my name.
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