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How can you stop kids saying swear words?

by joya. (follow)
I am a freelance writer, a food enthusiast and an explorer. Check out my weekendnotes profile: http:/ www.weekendnotes.com/profile/177032/
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Image by Tommie Sandström via Wikimedia Commons

Nowadays, it is quite difficult to shield kids from swear words when they're so common in public places and on TV. If a kid picks up words from TV and other sources, what are the best ways to make them forget the swear words?

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I found that not stating or repeating swear words infront of kids and not encouraging them when they are using swear words are some good ways to tackle this issue. Getting angry or shouting at them for using swear words can be quite futile. The key is to make them aware that what they are saying is wrong and slowly they will get over it and/or forget it.
Just being a role model yourself by not using swear words. Also, letting the kids know that swear words are rude, they can hurt other people's feelings, and just talking to kids about it should help (I think). It's an issue we have not faced in our home as yet.
I try not to make a big deal about it, even though hearing your little angel have the mouth of a sailor can be both confronting and, at times, funny. I let me kids know that the word is not appropriate and that it is an adult word.

We also talk about how it can feel funny, or even a bit thrilling, to say adult words when you are little. Its the lure of the forbidden. So to take the inital shcok value out of it and not to give them a powerful feeling of "let's see Mommy freak out", I just let them know not to do it again. Consequences are no different to any other forms of discipline we use as a family.
Growing up as a child, the teachers used to wash our mouth with soap and water. Only happened once and it worked.
Model for them. If you swear all the time they will too. As for picking them up from other sources though, I don't think there is any way to "make them forget." Shaming punishments like washing kids' mouths out with soap are a bit barbaric. I have just told my eldest that she shouldn't say certain words in front of other adults because it might upset them. She seems to get it.

To be honest I'm not all that bothered about swearing. The intent behind words is more important than the words themselves. I would consider my child shouting at someone to shut up more offensive than if she stubbed her toe and said "s#$%!" because the former is directed at another person and the latter isn't. My focus will be on trying to teach them to be nice to other people whatever words they use.
Your last nine words seem like a oxymoron.
by jonaja
Yeah, I didn't put that very clearly. I'm not sure how to rephrase it though. Will have to ponder that some more.
We have right now a whole different world of young people dropping swear words, and not even thinking about it.

Our values have become dramatically & shamelessly compromised.

It is in my opinion not acceptable, and only by instilling good manners and explaining to children that it is not expectable to swear, will they get the message.
You have to be mindful what they watch on t.v. at certain times.

I would never allow it with my three sons, and instilled in them good manners, not just for our home...but anyone they came into contact with.

I feel it is the job of a parent to insist on certain rules.

Please excuse my spelling mistake 'expectable''? It should say ''acceptable''.
by jonaja
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