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How can one attain wisdom?

by Happy Mom (follow)
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Is wisdom something you can aspire to attain? How can one gain wisdom?

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What I personally believe is that it can only be attained with the help of the good Lord.
I prayed for it once, since then...I am not the same person.
I 'think' before I say things, do things, and it has helped me in a tremendous way.
I think I absolutely agree with you! :) Thank you for the insight. It's very wise!
By observing life and learning from mistakes - your own and others'. I hope to have lots of it one day!
I do aspire to attain wisdom, but I am not even sure what the difference between wisdom and intelligence and knowledge is. Are they inter-related? I think they are, but what exactly is it that makes a person wise. I think it might be the fact that a wise person can make good decisions in the present day by looking far ahead into the future to guage what is best for him/her? I don't think I have attained that stage in my life yet, but I shall continue to aspire towards it.
Although studying can help you gain knowledge, it does not necessarily lead to wisdom. Experience is the best teacher.
I think wisdom comes from God / Jesus, so to get wisdom, get close to him.
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by Finy
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