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How as women can we strive to establish peace in the world?

by Happy Mom (follow)
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Perhaps, world peace is an enormous goal to set, but are there small steps we can take as women to establish peace in our households, neighborhoods, communities, towns, cities, so on and so forth, that will lead to world peace?


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Just be the peace that we wish to see in this world. In other words, in order to exude peace, you need to practise peace. Think meditation and self care. Embrace serenity and calm, and people will begin to gravitate towards your loving embrace.
Love the picture too :)
I think parents can contribute by bringing up children who respect the value of life, not only their own but that of others, who want to contribute to their communities, who are law-abiding citizens, and are peaceful towards other people in their lives
I would say that people, regardless of their sex, can strive to create peace in the world through simple stuff like being compassionate and kind to each other and trying to make ethical purchasing decisions. It can seem a bit overwhelming sometimes but I suppose the thing to do is start small and just do what you can.
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