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Hi, hello, or hey: how do you greet people you know?

by Vee (follow)
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Image by Prawny, morgueFile.com

There are many ways to say hello. Which one do you use with those you know, and do your modify your approach with people you are not so familiar with?

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I usually use 'hello' for people I don't know, 'hi' for acquaintances, 'hey' for friends and family.
that depends entirely on the person though I would not say HEY -I know it is COOL or IN but I do not like it.
I usually say HI, hello or when walking in the morning, good morning to strangers.
by Finy
Hey Finy, I'll keep that in mind. :P Any reason you don't like 'Hey'? In my opinion, it sounds a bit too boisterous.
by Vee
"Hey" always sounds like an "ahoy" to me, not really a greeting. It's little bit like yelling, "Oi! You!" at somebody. Hello means hello and good morning/afternoon/evening all convey a pleasant greeting to anyone you meet.
by Rice
Like 'G'day. How's it going?'
by Vee
Hi - people I know.
Good morning/afternoon/evening when meeting new people.
Good morning/afternoon/evening to strangers when I'm out walking.
Perfect :-))
by Rice
All three in informal situations. Good morning/day/afternoon/evening/night in formal settings.
by Gia
with a smile and a few nice words....

With people I am unfamiliar with.... I look them in the eyes and shake their hand, with a slight smile.
Oh, this one cracked me up because when I thought about it, I realised that due to my *excitable* nature, I can sometimes sound like Mrs Doubtfire, face covered in whipped cream, saying, "Heelllllllloooooooooo", and then have big hugs all round. LOL. I am much more sedate, polite and hand shaking under other circumstances. Bahahahahahahahahaha. No wonder my dogs get so excited when we have visitors!! Gosh, these questions can make you have a look at yourself. I love them!
by Rice
I can just imagine it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=addrYZ6g_Ss Hahaha. :D
by Vee
Sweet! Such a funny clip. Bless him, we'll miss him :((
by Rice
I know. I think the memory of that day will always be with me.
by Vee
Hello to people I don't know usually, but if I am in a cheeky mood I say G'day with a smile.
G'day is also used for people I am close to . Sometimes I respond with Hi, but I don't say Hi if I am the first to speak.
Funnily enough, I rarely greet my friends with any of these words. I'm more inclined to say their name and kiss or hug, or both. For people I don't know and are being introduced to, it's usually "nice to meet you".
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