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Have you watched the Wizard of Oz?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you seen the Wizard of Oz?

#Wizard of Oz
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Yes many times, it is a fantastic film.
I think it was re-coloured in a later copy?
Yes, I have watched it a few times -like it but probably would not watch it again.

Judy Garland was so brilliant.
by Finy
I probably saw it as a child, but not recently.
I don't think there are many who haven't.
I've watched it several years ago. Sometime during my childhood years.
Never had any interest in doing so.
Couldn't stand Judy Garland!
Yes. Several times. I remember watching it with my family when I was a young child.
I must admit I probably have watched the start many more times than the ending. I usually fall asleep watching movies.
More times than I can count and probably still once a year. I am also very fond of Return To Oz (1985) with Fairuza Baulk who is now 42! Where DID the time go??!!
by Rice
Oh, how did that U get in there!! It is Fairuza Balk.
by Rice
yes when a child
I saw this many times as a child,and also in my teens. Then as an adult, I introduced my son to it when HE was very little,and the magic never diminished at all for me as I watched it with him! It became his favourite movie and he actually knew it word perfectly within a short time!!! He is now 30,and it is still a firm favourite which we watch rather often!! He is now 30 and we often quote lines from this movie to each other,and we both get such giggles and fun from it even after so many years and so many times seeing it!!! What a joy it is to still enjoy seeing something so truly magical and delightful,which was made so very long ago; BEFORE the CGI special effects which seem to be so prominent in every movie made these days.
Interesting that they wanted Shirley Temple and couldn't get her . . . . . Oh, what would it have been like then . . .??? We can only wonder.
by Rice
I truly would NOT have enjoyed it ,had Shirley Temple played the part of Dorothy!!!! I can hardly bear to watch more than a couple of minutes of her!!
Sometimes these roles do end up with the perfect person being cast,thank heavens!
by Jules
Hahahahahahahahahaha!!! Yes, I think it would have suffered had poor old Shirley been Dorothy . . .although I always felt JG was too "old" for the part. However, history is history.
by Rice
I think that JG's singing voice may have had a lot to do with the success of her being cast. The other cast members, who to me were always the far more interesting and entertaining,made the entire movie the joy it always has been for me! 'Oooooh I'll get you,my pretty... and your little dog toooooo!!!!!'
The now famous quotes from both book and movie are simply classics which remain with us!!!! Of course the most famous of all has to be 'There is NO place like home' .
by Jules
Ray Bolger. *sigh* He looked boneless, he was so supple.
by Rice
Who HASN'T seen this, besides donjo?? I've only seen it twice, & loved it.
by Miro
I have just once, a few years ago.
Up until then it was not a movie I was interested in.
I think because it was so often spoken about, was a tad of a turn-off for me.
I found it interesting, but I am not a lover of Judy...sadly.
Yes. Many times. Love it.
I watched it once, but that was more than fifteen years ago now.
by Vee
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