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Have you visited the spice alley in Chippendale?

by Sharm Jay (follow)
Food (698)      Night life (2)      International food (1)     

There is a small lane way in Chippendale which is called "spice Alley" .

Have you been there?

#Night life
#International food
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Nope, I'm nowhere near it so will probably never visit it.
I didn't even know it was there!

Sounds interesting.
I don't use many spices, just Tuscan which go's with most things.
I know I should try more, I'm not too sure what to use them with, maybe I should go visit them, and ask...
2018 another thing for the list....(hope my list is not as long as it was last year, I'm still trying to get thru that one) ?
Hi Jorja, They serve spicy food from different countries at the alley. good selection, great vibes and quite cheap as well. its street food.
Oh! o.k. silly meeeee lol. Sounds like a really cool place to go one Saturday!
by jonaja
No. I like different spices, but i doubt that i would go somewhere special just to buy them.
Actually spice alley is collection of small street food outlet kind of places where they sell spicy food from different countries . Its not a place to buy spices as such. great vibe , great food and reasonable prices.
That sounds like it would be nice. I wouldnt mind trying that.
by Lluxi
I live in Sydney, but I've never heard of of it. I've only been to Chippendale once or twice.
by Miro
Sharmila, As you haven't answered the question your self, I have to reply, 'this way' I think you should have told us what it was, in the beginning! And if it's a place your asking about, it should have 2 capitals, as in Spice Alley. No " ", as that's in someone talking.
by Miro
I would visit any place called Spice Alley if I learnt of it's existence. I love spicy food. It would be good if the also sold spice. I do not know where Chippendale is, but I guess it is in Sydney area.
We visited the spice market in Dubai- it was amazing. I didn't buy any spice because I thought customs wouldn't allow it into Australia, but I found out I probably could have bought it in after declaring it.
I dont live in Sydney any more but do not know Chippendale anyway
by Finy
No, I haven't, and I've never heard of chippendale before, I've deffinetely got quite a few herbs and spices in my cupboard.
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