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Have you used skin products meant for the opposite sex?

by Smita (follow)
Smita - Smitasfoodcharm - Thermomix Australia consultant
Beauty (142)      Cosmetics (12)      Skin Care (5)      Fragrances (2)      Soaps (1)      Shampoos (1)     
Nivea has a whole range of products for men

Have you ever used fragrances or creams meant for men? Does your partner share soaps or shampoos meant for women? Do you feel it hardly makes a difference or are you very conscious about this?

Image courtesy: Nivea homepage

#Skin Care
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Yes, I have used a man;s after shave as a perfume -Jovan, and also Aramis -both make lovely perfumes!
by Finy
Yes I have used men's deodorants. I always like the musky tones more than the feminine fruity fragrances. Also I use my husband's shaving foam for shaving underarms. Much smoother than using soap
We use gender neutral shampoos, and moisturisers.
I have.
With 3 x sons
2 ex husbands
1 x brother
What can I say?...my life has only ever been around men.
There stuff works really really well.(In a pinch).
But, I do like my girl stuff too.

I tried out my husband's cleanser once out of curiosity, but didn't like the strong fragrance or how harsh it was on my skin.
Back when I used to shave my legs I sometimes used a men's aftershave gel. I see no reason to be at all concerned about that. In fact I think it's a bit weird that there are different products for men and women when they do the same thing. Either you like the product, for the fragrance or how well it works, or you don't.
Does shaving cream count?
by Vee
Very much Vee. I use it too for shaving under arms. Its so much easier with that
by Smita
I agree, but I tend to use shampoo more these days.
by Vee
Yep! My boyfriend's stuff, my dad's, any time I've been running low on stuff.
Yes I use perfumes.
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