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Have you tried scrapbooking?

by chipp (follow)
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Photo: MamaGeek

Scrapbooking is a craft which brings photos, painting and many other creative steps together. Have you tried scrapbooking? Do you enjoy it, and do you still do it?

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I was introduced to scrapbooking about 13 years ago and loved it. I don't do enough of it, but when I do scrapbook it gives does bring as sense of accomplishment! ;)
I did a scrap book for my first son, to capture his first 6 months as a baby. The aim was that I would then capture special memories and also scrapbook these with a mix of photos and other bits and pieces. I enjoyed scrapbooking, and I'm pleased as punch with what I achieved, but it takes quite a time to get it all looking right and I found that it's quite a costly little habit. Sadly, the scrapbook only got as far as his first 6 months and for my second son, I've not got round to doing his at all yet. I think it's a beautiful end result, but it's not become a favoured hobby of mine as such.
I have tried it, but I don't really think that it is my thing. I would do it occasionally, but not a lot.
Yes - I love it. Wish I could do it more often though.
It is a lot of fun, but I feel now has had it's day.
And a little old-hat.I did it a long time ago.It was a great hobbie, and it did help a lot of people house bound to have something to look forward too.It still can of course, and with some people....they took it to a whole new level.
It became huge in the States, and they just kept getting better and better, I'm not sure it will die off completely.
I have seen some really bad, and some that are just so lovely, you wonder how they have these ideas.
No.. I was interested in it for a while, but was working full time with little kids at home so just didn't have the time. These days I have gotten into creating photo books - I just upload all my pictures online and put them into a design of my own creation. It's fast, I don't have to worry about storing little bits and bobs, and the creations are just as satisfying.
I prefer traditional photo albums (perhaps because I am creatively challenged), but I do like the look of scrap books. I think, when given as gifts, they are very personal and thoughtful.
by Vee
I've done 3 albums for particular reasons but I'm not a fanatic with scrapbooking. One was like a family history with pics of grandparents, parents, siblings etc. which I gave to my sister for her birthday.

The other was all about my Mum which I did not long after she passed away - she used to write down lovely little sayings that she either heard or read so I put each one of these on a separate page with a picture of her - from when she was a baby & throughout the years to not long before she died. I gave this to my Dad as a keepsake for him to have a look at occasionally & it was quite therapeutic for me actually creating the album.

The other little album is all about my kitties that I've had over the years - I have so many cute pics that it is great to keep them in one album together with sayings about our feline friends.
Yes I have tried scrapbooking. I made a few memory books as gifts and enjoyed it immensely in the past. Don't really have time now to work on those though.
Yes I have tried scrapbooking. I made a few memory books as gifts and enjoyed it immensely in the past. Don't really have time now to work on those though :(
No. Haven't the time.
Good for people, though, to have a hobby of some description.

Mine's being culturally enhanced by going to the Theatre.
Marvellous experiences which live-on in memory!

Spoke to Tom Burlinson after his beautiful singing of Sinatra songs, last Friday! What a thrill!

Met & spoke with David Suchet after his performance in 'The Last Confession'. That WAS really exciting!
I have enough stuff in my workroom to start a store. I do scrapbooks and make cards, I also sell pages 4 u ready made pages so that all you have to do is add the photo for those who are artistically challenged. I love it.
Beaches and sea sides should be in blue and white, when I do sea pages or pages with shores on them I add real sand on the bottom of the pages or around the sides with very tiny sea shells that I use to find. It is amazing what you can add to pages. When I do heritages I use old ads and cut outs from old magazine from the 40's and 50's. I also cut out all kinds of saying from books, magazines and news papers and add as captions to pictures, Try it is works on so many ways.
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