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Have you tried Reiki healing?

by Zen (follow)
Believes less is more and values experiences rather than material possessions. Weekend Notes profile. http:/ www.weekendnotes.com/profile/244436/
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Image from Freedigitalphotos.net.

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction, relaxation, promoting feelings of peace, and well-being based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

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Reiki is absolutely wonderful and I'd recommend it to everyone. About twelve years ago I did the Reiki I and II course, mainly so I could use it on myself, and I've found it incredible. From time to time I've had treatments by others, but generally I simply use ten minute Reiki self-treatments as part of my daily heath routine, in much the same way that I'll go for a quick morning walk or do some yoga asanas. First thing in the morning, I find it a great way to wake up, fresh and invigorated, and if I'm feeling tired and run-down after a busy day, I'll do another quick treatment, just before I fall asleep. It's become a wonderful part of my daily routine.

In response to some of the previous comments, there is absolutely nothing weird or dodgy about Reiki. It simply working with the body's natural ability to heal and regenerate itself. In the East, Chi (as in Tai Chi) or Ki (as in Reiki), translates as the 'life force energy' (as Zen has mentioned), while in ancient India it was called Prana.

Although it originates in the east, it's totally non-sectarian, so it doesn't interfere with whatever spiritual one may follow.

I am a Reiki Master, so have trained in it, tried it , and love it.
Nope, and not something I would try as I have heard only bad things about it. Besides, I don't believe in the ideas it promotes.
by Vee
No, Ive never tried any sort of holistic healing.
I don't think it is something that I would embrace....mainly because I do not
have a link to anything that is Buddhist.
Never tried Reiki but that's not to say I wouldn't.
I haven't tried it, and likely wouldn't bother.
There is absolutely nothing bad having Riki at all. In fact, in a way we do it and receive it daily. We are living energies and at some point too in our lives we sit or lie down, close our eyes to return some energy to us. Then thinking about that same scenario and you are tired and lack Lustre and some one ... pick a person, family member, friend or even an acquaintance sits with you in silence. That can feel very comforting. Another thought that you've experienced is in the same vein is when someone places their hand on your arm. Everyone has experienced that too, after which you feel comforted and uplifted. Another thought ..although in Reiki, the Master doesn't hug you, all has experienced the exchange of warm and comforting energy on receives. In Reiki, the Reiki Master uses his/her energy in the same way. Hands on healing is really amazing as is the healing energy of hands not even touching you but hovering just above you within an inch of your clothes. You ARE clothed. Reiki is gentle and a beautiful experience and you feel a difference and your energy is better and you feel so calm. Reiki has been around for centuries and is without dogma.
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