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Have you tried Biriyani?

by Sharm Jay (follow)
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Biriyani is a popular rice dish made with rice and meat, fish or vegetables. Have you tried this dish?

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No. I haven't. It sounds nice. Is it spicy ?
Yes it is spicy as some of the main spices in Indian cooking and chill powder is used to make it.
I haven't. I want to now! I love Indian cuisine and have been invited out to an Indian restaurant next week so I will try it then. Looks delicious. I think I will go for the vegetable one.
by Rice
Yes, I had a vegetarian biryani on Saturday. I like it, though I seldom make it at home.
No I haven't, I find I can't eat spicy Indian Food at any time, sadly......
Yes I have but prefer vindaloo dishes.
Yep, love it love it love it. Especially the way Rick Steins shows us how to make them on his Asian Odyssey series. Yum!
I like any rice dish like this, like fried rice, nasi goring, paella, risi bis…..i just simple, cheap tasty dishes that use up all the left overs you have in your fridge.
I have not, but it sounds and looks delicious.
No, not the type of food I'd like.

In Sri-Lanka we make it differently i love this dish i make it in the rice cooker but i first fry the rice with spices and cook it in chicken or meat stock.
That is one thing I don't think I have tried.
by Finy
I haven't tried it. But it sounds like something I would really like.
by Vee
Yes, love it and I make it at home quite often.
by BK
No, I've never tried it, but I'll look up a Recipeyum'
recipe, & hope I already have the ingredients for it.
by Miro
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