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Have you tried any unrealistic diet plan?

by Smita (follow)
Smita - Smitasfoodcharm - Thermomix Australia consultant
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m_bartosch, www.freedigitalphotos.net

Sometimes people get so desperate to lose weight, they try all sorts of unrealistic diets. Often they end up falling ill, growing weak or piling more kilos than before.

Did you ever try something like that? Was it successful or did you burn your fingers?

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I have done them all.

Fads do not work.

Only a diet that is well balanced with veg-protein-less calories.
When I was very young I devised my own diet, it did work (I lost a lot of weight), but honestly I learnt nothing about healthy eating so put a lot of it back on again shortly after. Really, the best way to lose weight long term is slowly, by changing habits into long lasting healthy ones, it may take longer but the results will be lasting.
I've never tried any fad diets.
by Vee
I've never done a particular diet, but I did use to starve myself sometimes if I weighed more than I wanted. I would sometimes not eat for a day. The longest I went was 48hrs. It did me no harm, and I lost the weight I wanted, but I don't have the will power to do that anymore.
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