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Have you stayed at a bed and breakfast?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you stayed at a Bed and Breakfast?

Did you like it?

#B & B
#Bed & Breakfast
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In all my travelling I have only stayed twice at a B & B.
The second time was in the Blue Mountains and it was delightful -a lovely breakfast and owners who did not talk too much.

The first time I did not enjoy it as the owners were too intrusive and always there wanting to talk.

I think it is a very good idea but it all depends on who is running it.
by Finy
It was a VERY long time ago that I did this,and I really enjoyed it.We went as a family and it was so well-appointed and the owners were helpful as well as friendly without intruding upon our space. I really like this idea when the owners have a great reputation. My friends in England stay in a B & B in Norfolk a couple of times every year and another couple I know stay in one in Wales. They love it as pets are always welcome where they stay.
Yes I stayed in one down at Albany with a man I was going out with a few years ago.

We found it wasn't private enough, the owners seemed to want company all the time and also we could hear another couple next door and.....I don't need to tell you what they were doing, needless to say we didn't do much at all!!
by Fran
I have stayed in a few B&B's - most have them have been quite nice.
by AJ
Yes, many times. We like them a lot! Usually when staying in a hotel we would dine out at a proper restaurant, so a B+B works well for us. We have book called "The Best B+Bs in France" and using that we have stayed in some spectacular locations - old castles, a medieval fortified farmhouse, a vineyard, an ultra-modern minimalist black and white house with a full spa in the basement..... great fun and much more interesting than staying in large chain hotels that look the same no matter where you are in the world! It's a good way to find character and quirkiness on your travels and also get some local insight into where you are staying.
WOW. What a lovely thing to do, VerityG. How long were you enjoying your trip around France for?
by Miro
Yes, I've never had a bad experience
Yes I have.
Loved it, but was many years ago.
Gives me an idea for winter!
Something nice to do one weekend.
Yes, just once though. And this was in Tasmania. The owners were not intrusive at all and it was a wonderful location. Here is a picture.
by BK
We've stayed at a couple of B&B's. One in Halls Gap and another in Metung (which we holidayed at several times). Both were exceptional and I would happily try B&B's again.
No. Have always stayed at Hotels. Closer to where I need to be in ANY city, anywhere!
Years ago in UK but the owners were SO mean with the food rations 1 sausage or 2 1 egg not 2 oh goodness it was a nightmare - particularly when I asked for extra 2 towels for the bathroom. I thought we were going to be asked to leave.
No, I haven't ever stayed in 1 in all the travelling we've done, but I have breakfast in bed every morning at home, so that's like a holiday!
by Miro
P.S: Hang on, does staying on cruise ships = a B&B??? (May be, sort of?)
by Miro
Yes, I stayed in one deep in the forest for a romantic weekend. We had a terrible experience from go to woh. The manager wasn't very good at her job I don't think. We had to leave before our weekend was over. We weren't offered a refund, so we took them to court and won. It hasn't soured me on the whole idea and I would certainly try a B & B accomodation again.
Good on you for that the couple to court...& winning. That made me very happy to read that! I hope its was a good payout! How can people be so hopeless in their job? Especially when running a B&B!
by Miro
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