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Have you seen The Castle?

by Zen (follow)
Believes less is more and values experiences rather than material possessions. Weekend Notes profile. http:/ www.weekendnotes.com/profile/244436/
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DVD Cover , Image from Wikipedia

A family filled with love, admiration and appreciation of life. So much serenity.

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I haven't heard of it.
by Vee

Vee you will love it! it is so funny.
by jonaja
I'll look it up. ;)
by Vee
Vee it will be an interesting find... Enjoy

by Zen
The Serenity!
by jonaja
Think I will too...U enjoy jonaj
by Zen
Yes, super funny Aussie humour. I enjoyed it, especially references to the "pool room."
There were treasures in that pool room
by Zen
they left a lump in my throat! those little treasures..lol
by jonaja
LOL....''do I live and breath?''

One of Australia's all time best-funny movies ever!
It is a gem, that depicts 'some' real live Aussies.
I LOVE this movie so much have seen it many many times.

were's me picture?*!@?...it was a beauty too!
by jonaja
So have I and will watch it again..

FYI :It was all filmed in 11 days
by Zen
there's me pic!...lol.

11 days to make such a brilliant movie.I'm watching it again tonight. :)
by jonaja
I haven't seen all of it - but I'm not sure why. I hear quotes from the Castle enough that maybe it makes me feel like I've already seen it!
Watch it and enjoy
by Zen
Yes I did and I live with someone who to this day quotes passages from the film. So you could say it is living on forever well in this particular house anyway!
Sounds Fun.
Enjoy The Serenity .
by Zen
Surely you can't call yourself an Aussie until you've seen The Castle at least twice!
So true .
And you got to love it
by Zen
The Castle is one of my all time favourite movies. In fact I wrote an article for Self Avenue which made several references to it. I love the sense of family and community. I love the way Darryl makes everyone feel valued even if they have only 'dug a hole' or cooked rissoles for tea. He thinks he is so lucky and he appreciates his life. It is a great movie.
"Tell them they must be joking" Brilliant !
That was enough.
by Rice
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