Have you seen or used one of these old Singer sewing machines?
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I have probably used one of these as when I was a child, many people had them.
Mt brother still has my mother's and it was one of the few things he wanted when they died - or perhaps I did not want it - cant remember!
Those were the days when things were made properly and not on the cheap with plastic, and they lasted a lifetime!
I have seen many since then in antique shops etc at ridiculous prices.
I've seen a few photos of some, found by people in a hard rubbish group when people throw them out because they have no use for it or it may not work anymore.
Hi Finy, I have my mother's 1. I can't remember sowing much on it, many years ago, & then it wouldn't work, & I didn't know where to take it too, to be fixed, so it's taking up space in the spare room. Perhaps I should sell it, 'As is" The person who may buy it, may know where to have it repaired.
Hi Finy, I have my mother's 1. I can't remember sowing much on it, many years ago, & then it wouldn't work, & I didn't know where to take it too, to be fixed, so it's taking up space in the spare room. Perhaps I should sell it, 'As is' The person who may buy it, may know where to have it repaired.
My Mother had one.
When little, I was frightened of it because I couldn't understand how the needle went up & down SO fast, & Mum didn't get her fingers' 'stitched up'!
I think my Sister may still have it, but certainly doesn't use it!
I hated 'Sewing' at School. Preferred 'Cooking'.
I can sew on a button, mend a hem, but that's the extent of my sewing 'prowess'!
Wow. Somebody worse than me. Didn't think it possible. However, donjo, have YOU ever ruined a machine by over oiling it??? LOL LOL LOL
No, Rice, because THE last thing I'd EVER have in my house was a sewing machine! Lol!
I have seen one but never used one.
I've seen many, as nearly every Aussie I have ever met has at least one. I have never used a treadle machine, only electric. . . . . and I am a lousy seamstress. Straight lines for curtains is about it for me. I'd sooner go outside and put up a fence.
Oh! Rice, you can do 1000% more than me!
I've ALWAYS hated sewing!
My mother has one which I will inherit when she dies. I have never used it as I hate sewing and refuse to do it.
I have seen them, and they are lovely...only once used one, but felt it a tad difficult for me at the time...I was quite young.....I bet they were a real blessing 100 years ago! Sewing by hand was hard work, the women would have been overjoyed. :)
My grandmother had one of them.
I learned how to sew when at high school, using one of these marvellous old treadle Singer sewing machines!!! When we were finally allowed to use the electric ones ,it almost felt like cheating!!! I loved sewing when I was much younger and made all my own clothes from about age 14!! I made all the baby stuff when my son was born too,but other things took priority over the sewing when I had my career and was paying a mortgage,as well as putting my son through school! These old machines are real treasures and I wish I had one.They are actually extremely good exercise for the legs!!!!
My mother-in-law had one...though I didn't see it. She got rid of it without realising just how much they're worth nowadays.
My grandma and mother both had treadle sewing machines and I learnt to sew on one. I bought a second hand one when I got married in 1975 and made curtains and clothes using it. Then in 1980 I bought an electric sewing machine.
Hi Marie, The 1 my mother gave me, in 1977 was a treadle sowing machine. I didn't use it much, & I still can't now, then it had something wrong with it, & I never got it repaired, It was in 1 spare (bed) room, & then moved to another spare (bed) room, As I've mentioned to Finy, there should be a museum for them somewhere! If not, I'll try to sell it, before i dump it! Someone out there must collect them!!!
Collecting? Why not using them!
Because I learnt to sew on a treadle machine I found it easy to use, easier than an electric machine. The couple I used were so simple and nothing ever went wrong with them. Over time I became used to an electric machine but still have fond memories of sewing using a treadle machine.
I have a sewing machine at home.Sometimes I sew by it but rarely otherwise I have my clothes stitched by a tailor.
My grandmother had one which was given to my mother. She taught me to sew with this machine. Its still in use in my parent's home.
No, I've never used one of those old sewing machines before.
Yes - my grandmother owned on.
There should be a museum somewhere for these old sowing machines.
My mum had 1 & sowed a few things on it, including pink cotton curtains for the bedroom we rented out, in a house we were renting,45/46 years ago. It's now in our spare bedroom, but it has something wrong with it, & I've never had had it fixed, which I should do, so I could sell it!
My mum had one and I used one in school to make an apron to wear for Domestic Study's ( cooking)
My grandmother was thd on,y person in our family who owned the Singer treadle but we all used to walk around to her place to use it. I can recall seeing mum running up curtains as I watched, fascinated, wishing I could grow up quickly so I could use it. And it did get a lot of use. Sadly when she passed away I believe it was disposed of.
yes i have a treadle one have the sales docket when it was bought,
No, I've never used one, but I do like the look of them as they are antique.
I used my mother`s old Singer machine traveling with my feet
My mum had one she used to sit on the verandah and sew patchwork quilts dor oir beds. I also had one i used to sew sinple pattern clothes for my children when they were little. I had to sell it because we moved into a riny cabin and could only take esentials. Still trying to find a replacement 25 years later
I have a treadle machine but it is a Raymond, not a Singer. I had it in working order before I moved. It was strong enough to not hesitate sewing layers of denim. I agree about good leg exercise!!
I have a lead on a person to fix it. I hope it works out!
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