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Have you noticed that what used to be summer fruits seem to be available all year round now?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you noticed that nowadays you can get many of the summer fruits, that used to only be available in summer, all year round?

#Summer fruit
#Stone fruit
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I think a lot of them come from the U.S. however it is odd that suddenly you can get MOST summer fruits all year round.

There are peaches, plums, watermelon, rockmelon, nectarines, strawberries etc that have not stopped since the beginning of the year..

Strawberries are not imported, nor are water melons.???
by Finy
I still prefer them in their season. The price is better and the quality much nicer.
by Gia
'Out of season' fruits are definitely readily available all year round for a couple of reasons. One is that a lot comes from outside of Australia,and the other is that a lot of wonderful fruits grow in our tropical regions almost non-stop.
I live in Nth Qld and we have farms where the strawberries are currently scrumptious and very cheap,as well as bananas,various melons and gorgeous sweet pineapples. Many so-called summer vegies are also available here .I even have tomatoes and passion fruits growing at home all year through. I do occasionally supplement these with cherries from USA if they are not too expensive as I really enjoy them.
Yeah, you can get more things out of season now. I suppose it's a combination of buying food transported from further away and different farming practices (breeding for frost resistance? More use of greenhouses? Not my field)
No pun intended.
You can get summer fruits all year found now but when out of season they are very expensive
by AJ
I have.

I don't like it.
Doesn't sit well with me, for some reason?
buxom melons!!! LOL -I hadnt noticed that they are also buxom! am I not observant?
by Finy
I had to post it, years old! but very funny...
by jonaja
Oh! finy, did you never watch UK comedy shows, the '50's onwards, or ever see a 'Carry On' film?
You'd know ALL about 'melons' if you had've! Lol!
by donjo
by jonaja
Yes, I have noticed and I will buy. I can't say no to strawberries.
by Vee
I will buy any fruit that is australian grown and as many of you say, the northern tropics are still growing great fruit Yum!
Like some supermarts say "the fresh food people" when garlic from China Mexico grapefruit
Israel and U.S. Orange growers ripping out trees so people can have fruit all year round I refuse to buy any overseas grown fruit we all should do,same as we did before and protect our fruit growers
Much supplementary fruit & veggies here comes from our own Ord Irrigation Scheme, outside of Kununurra, WA.
on this subject, whatever has happened to the watermelon that had black seeds it was yummy nowadays can only buy seedness which is not in the same street which I will not buy ..
You are so right, just tasteless
by fran.
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