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Have you heard of thermomix?

by meggf (follow)
Food (698)      Kitchen (39)     
Image Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

Have you heard of thermomix? Have you seen them in action? Have you got one?

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Yes , seen it on TV and heard about my relatives using it. But I feel that it is very very expensive and I won't buy it.
I've been to a Thermomix party and was pretty impressed. I just don't think I can justify spending that kind of money on a kitchen appliance at the moment.
Never heard of it before.
Have I heard about
T H E R M O M I X !!
Just a tad.
Am I over hearing about it?
Just a tad.

Would I need to get a personal loan to buy one?
Just a tad.

Never heard of one
Not until a couple of people commented on one of my questions that this is all they use. I hear it is great, but oven and stove are enough for me.
by Vee
Yes, of course I have!
It has been around for years now and the people who have it, swear by it.

I would not buy one as there is only one person and I have enough things/appliances lying around in my kitchen.

However if I had a young family, I probably would get one.and I have not actually seen one in action.
by Finy
Yes, but at this stage of my life, I've got all the other, singular 'gizmo's', so don't need it.

If I was forty years' younger & just married, it would've been a great pressie by combining both lots of parents' gifts' money!
no I do not have one.
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