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Have you had to use a App. to check the answer to a maths puzzle?

by Naomi (follow)
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Triangle rectangle puzzle

Have you had to use a App to check the answer to a maths puzzle? Which one?

#Maths App
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No. I recently came across a site to check math problems. Its pretty neat. With all these tech solutions I just wonder if its dimming us down .
I completely agree, i went to a shop the other day and the poor assistant couldn't subtract $7 from $10 and needed to double check. It must be hard not being able to do simple addition and subtraction without a device. I understand that Apps can be useful for those who have poor numeracy, literacy, and for checking homework answers.
by Naomi
No help here, sorry, I have enough trouble using my fingers and toes. I agree with dwatk . . . . I worry that these things are really making our chidren dim. I suppose we'll know soon enough :(
by Rice
It sometimes feels like computers and iPads have taken over the world.
by Naomi
I have never used a App to check answers before but now feel the need when homework is marked incorrectly. Unbelievably when I sought clarification another wrong answer was provided! I have since looked for an App an there seems a lot out there but I don't know which is the best,
Can anyone tell me the correct answer using an App? Which App did you use? Thanks!
Naomi, I'm surprised on-one had replied to your question yet. I don't have much in the way of Apps on my 3G phone, so I'm afraid I'm no help to you, but I hope you've found an 'outside' answer by now?!
by Miro
No. The only maths problems I need solving can be solved using a calculator. Either hand held or on my phone
The calculator was an excellent invention. I love it, very handy.
by Naomi
No I do not do maths puzzles, they do my head in.
I never see nor do math puzzles, luckily for me! I only like the 'Find a Word' puzzles, or where there's 9 letters to make words from. (But I'm not much good with those ones either!)
by Miro
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