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Have you had a swim yet this season?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you had a swim yet this season?

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The picture looks a bit like me floundering on backstroke!
Yes I have started to go swimming once or twice a week with a friend, in a public pool which is SO clean and beautiful.

Quite a hassle though with changing and buying locker space, and showering etc etc there and the water, although heated is cold at first!
by Finy
Just jump in Finy !! Don't be dainty about it. Once your heads in the water it's okay. Swimming is exercise so SHOULD warm you up in no time. No one complains of the cold after our water aerobics. We are all nicely warmed up. You should become a member at the pool, Finy. Then you won't have to worry about cost of lockers. We don't use a locker. Just put our bags poolside. Most people do this. We never take valuables there.
by Lluxi
I go swimming every second day, plus go to water aerobics all year round. I go to the local swimming pool all year, no matter what the weather. The water is so refreshing and feels lovely, especially on hot days. We don't do water aerobics if it gets over a certain temperature, due to the heat. The poor instructor might pass out !!! She had ice packs on trying to keep cool the other day. No reason why you cant get in the water and go swimming instead, even if the class is cancelled. No better place to be on a hot day.
Brrr no way!
I have purchased new swimmers... so I am definitely prepared :)
SWIMMERS?? WE call them bathers! or in Sydney it was swimming costume..odd that it is different everywhere
by Finy
lol.. I am in Sydney and have always called them swimmers or a cozi :)
Brisbane . . . Togs!! LOL
by Rice
I grew up not too far from Newcastle. It's always been swimmers for me too.
Sadly no. Feeling embarrassed about the extra kgs I am carrying. I just have to get over it...
Sadly no, I really should get back into it...maybe I will, we have 2 very nice pools in my village...and I have never used them at all.

Ten years on! that's not really good is it!

Yep, I'm going too in Dec made up my mind.
As you can see it is a nice pool. :)
. . . . . . . no . . . . . . . . . . . .
by Rice
Was at Wet and Wild 2 years ago.
Oh helga - 2 years ago doesnt count - LOL!
by Finy
I'm off to Adelaide early December and thd hotel has an indoor pool but I can't remember if it's a walk-in at one end or nit. If it is, then I will have a swim, otherwise it's under the shower for me.🏊
by helga
Not this season nor the last, nor the season before that! In fact not since I was in Bora Bora, but it wasn't a swim as such, it was just getting my self wet, up to my waist, like on the Isle of Pines & 2 Hawaiian Islands, so that was 2 years ago. I can swim, but I just don't want too!
by Miro
I've just found this question again, & I was standing in the sea at 2 or 3 islands on my last 2 week cruise, Feb/March '18. Not actually swimming, but I did get wet. I guess I won't bother going in the (sea) water again until my next cruise..
Whenever that will be!
by Miro
Yes, I have been in a couple of small, neighbourhood pools. They are still pretty cold though!
by AJ
Yes, I love swimming, and I'd go at least once a week if possible. Though keeping glasses on in water is such a hassle.
Yes, on holidays with the kids. The pool was heated so everyone stayed toasty and warm
No, I haven't swam at all this season, but I have been a pool at the holliday place we stay.
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