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Have you ever written a song?

by DamienR (follow)
Photographer and writer.
Music (77)      Writing (36)      Songs (7)     

Photo: Pixabay.com

Learning to play an instrument or learning how to sing is one thing, but writing your own songs is something completely different. Have you ever written a song? What instruments(s) did you use? What was the song about?

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I have written one song which my husband put to music but there has not been any official publication.
by Gia
I grew up playing in bands throughout my teens, where I usually wrote the song lyrics. I also wrote a lot of songs on guitar as well. I haven't actually written a song in years, I feel I could if I had something I wanted to say through music.
I write poems, but not songs. I can't seem to get them out. I need a tune, and I can only think of tunes that already exist rather than making my own.
LOL, Bryony. That is me all over.
by Vee
No I haven't, sadly.

No, just poetry. I suppose if I had someone else to write music to one of my poems that could work but I don't have the musical talent for it.
I used to write poems, but that seems a world away now. I've never written a song. Like Bryony, I struggle with the music component.
by Vee
No. I'm writing a novel at the moment. ;)
Yes, as a teenager I wrote several. For voice and piano. I have also adapted the words of many songs to suit my feelings/ situation, or as a parody of the original.
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