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Have you ever worked in the food industry, in any capacity?

by Finy (follow)
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Food (698)      Fast Food (11)      Working with food (1)      Waitress (1)      Bar maid (1)     

Photo: en.wikipedia.org

There are many things associated with the food industry:
Waiter, waitress, fast food, pub, chef, washing dishes etc.

Have you ever worked in any capacity in the food industry?

#Working with food
#Fast food
#Bar maid
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I have actually never worked in any capacity in the food industry.

When I was a teenager, there were no fast food outlets-only fish and chips, and there was really no opportunity apart from waitress.

I worked in a dept store in the school holidays generally when I did do some work, so have never worked in the food industry.
by Finy
When I was still at high school,I had the absolute pleasure to work in a lovely little Chinese family owned restaurant where I learned such a great deal about the preparation and serving of Chinese meals. I also was fortunate enough in my final school year to work in a very good Italian restaurant,where I again learned so much about the industry. I enjoyed both of these jobs immensley.
I worked in the industry for a few years, and have done a lot of different jobs.
Working with Chef's is very scary...they seem to like perfection, and scream a lot!
I have also worked in Fast Food, and other venues.
I currently work in a bar.
that was always something I wanted to do Bryony -i was a non drinker and had no clue about drinks!
by Finy
I don't drink much either. I'm still trying to get the hang of pulling the perfect pint. I still get a lot of froth depending on the beer.
No not really....was a flight attendant but that was just distributing food and drink...
by fran
That's what a waiter/waitress does in a cafe etc.
People forget that Flight Attendants' are on an aircraft by the law of Safety Requirement, not just as 'trolley-dollies' or as Reg ANSETT said once, 'old boilers'!
by donjo
Well 'old boiler' would certainly be the case if I was one now ha ha!
by Fran
Oh! fran, I found the more 'mature' FA's a pleasure to deal with when I flew (passenger) constantly in my career.

They were the best in Customer Service, & knew protocol. They'd experience, & nothing beats that!

On a recent QANTAS flight to Antarctica, the Cabin Crew were all 'older', as required for THAT particular type of flight. Good. Made one feel 'VERY' secure, & safe! Cheers!
by donjo
I have never worked in the food industry
by AJ
No, I've never worked in this area.
Yeah, I've been a waitress and a barmaid.
My passion is in the food service industry. You can talk about food with me at any time. Most of my working life as been in this arena.
by Gia
Fast food, waitress, and catering in my younger days...Really didn't like it that much, but enjoyed the free food.
No, but had to 'fill in' a waitress position when she broke her ankle. Hated it immensely. It was only for two weeks, thank goodness!

My son is a Sous Chef, though, with Patisserie Certif. & a B.Hosp.Mgt.
Am a VERY proud Mum!
I used to wait tables at a restaurant. We also catered for functions. It wasn't too bad. I didn't like having to work on Friday nights and weekends though.
by Vee
No. I haven't.
No,I have not worked in the food industry.I rather cook different dishes at home.
No I haven't, but both of our daughters have had lots of jobs while working as chefs.
by Miro
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